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The blaring sounds of laughter and voices; ecstasy at its drunken peak—resonated into stifled mummers in Jimin's ears.

The small man had been too busy thinking about Jungkook for the past hour and a half, nearly absentminded in engagement with any of his precious—drunk band mates.

He had been thinking about the way Jungkook held him earlier; strong hands taking in the curve of his perfectly structured waist. Muscular body teasingly pushing against his smaller frame on the kitchen counter, caging him in with no chance of escape. 

His mind couldn't help but wander off into the great abyss of his erotic memories.
Dark, blurry images of Jungkook's heavenly figure, naked and draping over him—mouth on every bit of his torso; devouring him. Sweet tongue rolling against his perky, sensitive nipples. His cock—warm to the touch had deliciously radiated heaps of pleasure inside his needy ass.

The taste; oh how Jimin missed it.

The taste of the younger's cock upon his taste buds, filling his mouth with each thrust he gave. Bitter cum seeping down his throat as if it were his favorite drink.

He took a quick glance at Jungkook who was sitting  besides him. The taller was handling his shot glass with two fingers, moving the soju in slow, circular motions. His attention, intently fixed on Namjoon, who was passionately talking about how crustaceans have feelings and what not.

"I'm serious! Poor animals are eaten alive!"

"Dude, you do realize you're eating chicken right now, right?"

"I- well it's not the same thi- you know what shut up yoongi, no one asked for your opinion!"

"I'm just saying."

Jimin could care less about their conversation as he swallowed down a whine that nearly escaped his quivering lips. He studied every feature on Jungkook's profile, slowly dragging his vision down to his slugged body. He wore all black. Black button up, fitted tight against his biceps and chest. Sleeves rolled up at his forearms, revealing the tattoos Jimin salivated over. His daring eyes went even lower. Dark, skinny jeans hugged his sturdy thighs with such delicacy, carving out every muscle through the thick fabric.

Fuck he's hot

His gaze was brought back up when Jungkook drank the strong alcohol residing in his shot glass all in one go. Eyes—capturing the way his Adam's apple swiftly moved up and down.

Jimin never felt such sexual frustration built within him than he did now. He wanted to touch and savor Jungkook's body right then and there—especially his cock.

And so, he did just that.


His voice was that of sweet tender—yielding just for Jungkook's ears. His slender body leaned against the younger, chubby hands resting over the now tensed thigh.

The maknae jerked at the contact, averting his stringent gaze towards the hyung next to him. Jimin was staring right back at him through his eyelashes with eager anticipation. Full lips, molded into a faint pout. His cheeks were like roses, dusted of mesmeric hazed crimson.

There was no doubt in Jungkook's mind; Jimin was most definitely drunk.

"Hmm?" He raised his eyebrow, moving his doe eyes to the empty glass in front of him.

Jimin leaned in even closer to his body—his scent, gentle clementine with hints of sweetness; immersed in subtle femininity, danced on his nose—drowning his senses.

One hand moved from his thigh, promptly grasping the cold bottle of soju.

"You want more?"

Jungkook could smell the alcohol lingering on his weary breath. The other hand that was placed on his thigh was now sliding closer to his groin, sending alarming wavers of intimacy to the younger.

He was quick to grab Jimin's playful hand before it had reached his bulge—his eyes roaming faces of the members; none were paying attention to the enemies.

Jungkook knew he could easily push Jimin away, but he didn't want to.

In fact, he found Jimin's bold move a bit exciting.

He made sure no one was looking before letting go of the elder's hand, allowing him to explore his body as he wished so. He leaned against the chair, obscurely man-spreading.

He took a quick glance at the smaller with a smug smirk.

"I do."

With that, Jimin planted his hand over the man's bulge, giving it a light squeeze. A sinister smile tugged his lips—pouring a small amount of soju into the shot glass.

A sigh liberated from the younger. He loved the feeling of Jimin's hand massaging his hardening cock under the table.

Don't make it obvious


"Does that feel good...daddy?"

"Just wait till we go home you damn tease."

It's been a few minutes and Jungkook's strained cock was eager—pushing tightly against his skinny jeans. He had been senselessly grinding against Jimin's touch, forgetting that they were in fact, in a public restaurant, surrounded by people. People who were well-aware of who they were—watching and documenting their every move.

Thank God they were sitting in the far corner, the backs of the chairs pressed against a plain white wall.

Everything was going well for the two; Jungkook, melting to the sensual pleasure on his groin—Jimin, enjoying the way his cock twitched in desire under his finger tips.

That was, until Jin's attention landed on the enemies.

What the hell ?!!


:/Author's note/:

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter is going to be spicyyyyuu 🔞

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