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Just kidding lmaoooo 😂
lets continue you horny hoes

was the taste of Jimin

What they had been doing was already it was far out of bounds of public modesty. Jungkook could feel Jimin ever so slightly brushing his tongue over his bottom lip, requesting entrance.

He denied.

Rejected but not disheartened as Jungkook moved down to the elder's neck. A small moan slipped out from between his plump lips as the taller nipped just below his ear lobe, before he made his devious way down to suck a love bite on his pale—tender skin.

Oh how he missed the taste

His slender fingers were gently caressing the curve of Jimin's hips, tugging the hem of his oversized hoodie. He had the power to turn his enemy's legs to jelly, leaving him undone with just a simple kiss and very strategic touching—Jimin was under his possession.

The shorter felt helpless, his eyes shut—head lolling backwards against the refrigerator in a trance of tongue. At last, the Jungkook gave in to his wordless request; slamming his lips to Jimin's, nearly knocking all wind from the elder's lungs. He hardly had time to react as Jungkook pressed his tongue to the seam of his parted lips.

Jimin opened his mouth in shock as his enemy delved inside it. It was a very sloppy kiss; the strong scent of mint being exchanged in the intermingling of their billowing breaths. Jungkook let go of Jimin's plump lips, taking a deep breath before he indulged back in what Jimin felt to be his saliva, as it rolled off his tongue—seeping down his throat with every push of Jungkook's tongue against his own.

Jungkook's insistent mouth suddenly parted from his hyung's shaking lips, sending wild tremors along his nerves—evoking from his sensations he had never known he was capable of feeling.

The sound of their deep breathing verged throughout the kitchen along with the sizzling sound of the water—it had been on boil for the past three minutes.

Jimin struggled to keep his footing—staring cavernous into Jungkook's lusted eyes. As they caught their breath, The smaller took the opportunity to turn off the stove.

The maknae glanced down at his bulge, his cock was rock solid. There was no way that was it.

Was Jimin playing with me?

Jungkook wanted...no, he needed more.

"Do you want to take this to my room, or finish it later?"

The taller smirked, sensibly suggesting that it probably wasn't the best idea to get intimate in the kitchen. As much as he wanted to fuck Jimin against the counter, he knew they were risking their careers if they were to be caught.

His hungry eyes trailed down to Jimin's neck; inspecting the delicious red mark he had left. He seemed proud of his work and Jimin couldn't disagree. The poor hyung was still shaking, his cock begging for attention. He was in a complete state of submission and utopia.

He considered his options for a few seconds. He could either go to his room and be rendered subject to Jungkook's magic—fucked by a man made god, or walk away, declare his victory in the game and eat his ramen.

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