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"Rock, paper, scissors!!" All the members yelled out throwing their hand signs in the middle of the circle.

No one wanted to clean the dorm after they threw a "small" birthday party for one of their staff members that evening. By small they meant the whole dorm filled with Big Hit staff and family to which most were drunk; including the band members.

"Fuck!" A certain tall male cried out cursing at himself. Jungkook had lost the quick game.

"Forget about sleeping tonight Jungkookie." Hobie teased the maknae, giving him a big supportive back hug. Jungkook scoffed, moving away from his laughing hyung. He smelt the alcohol lingering in his breath.

It was definitely going to be a long night.

It had been forty minutes since Jungkook began cleaning the dorm and with less than half of the dorm clean, he was already exhausted.

"Fuck all of these drunk freaks." he complained under his breath, collecting the bottles of soju and beer.

"Well that's not very nice."

Jungkook expeditiously swung his head towards the owner of the voice. And here he thought his day couldn't get any worse, he groaned in annoyance.

All the drunk members had gone back to their rooms and were quick to fall asleep. All five except for one.

Jimin silently sat up on his small bed and sighed. He shouldn't have drank that much, his head was pounding profusely. The twenty-four year old carefully made his way to the door, acknowledging the fact that his hyung, Hoseok—was the lightest sleeper of the group.

Maybe a cold glass of water would help his agonizing headache, he reasoned.

The semi-hungover man quietly shuffled his way to the kitchen then poured himself  water. Sudden sounds of glass clinking together and movement made Jimin freeze on the spot. He was sure that all the guests had left the dorm and the members were fast asleep. Was it a ghost?

He then remembered that he wasn't the only one awake.

"Well that's not very nice" 

After the hyung realized that Jungkook was still cleaning, he decided to be nice to his enemy for once and help him out. As quietly as the small man could, he walked towards the living room.

There stood a tired and frustrated Jungkook. The maknae had the sleeves of his white dress shirt rolled up to his elbows as he threw bottles of beer in the trash bag. Jimin leaned against the wall staring at Jungkook in complete and utter admiration. The bigger man was overwhelmingly handsome. Jimin observed the way his shirt was tightly hugging Jungkook's chest and biceps. The second button of the shirt was so close to popping off. Poor shirt, Jimin thought.

The smaller then looked down to his enemy's exposed forearms, restraining a whimper that nearly escaped his parted lips.

Jungkook had prominent veins running down from his forearm to his big angry-looking hands. Beads of sweat drifted from his exposed forehead; damping the tips of his black hair, down to his neck. As much as Jimin hated the younger male, he acknowledged that Jungkook, in-the-lack of a better term, was hot.

He even admitted that if Jungkook wasn't such an asshole to him and obviously not his bandmate,
Jimin, without hesitation—would let the younger male fuck him senseless.

" Fuck all of these drunk freaks" Jungkook's deep and daunting voice drove Jimin out of his eortic fantasy, making the elder unwittingly pout.

Lightly punching his head, he opened his mouth.

"Well that's not very nice."  Jimin mentally slapped himself. What the fuck was that lame response? Was he a Karen?

The twenty-two year old's head cocked towards his direction. He had big doe eyes for a mere second but after he looked down to see the owner of the sweet—mid high pitched voice, his surprised eyes turned murderous. Jimin slightly gasped at the sight of his band mate's death glare. He instantaneously looked down to his feet. Why was Jungkook looking at him like that?

"I don't give a shit" Jungkook stated with bitterness, intensifying his glare towards the hyung. To his amazement, the smaller didn't return the same attitude he did. Jimin didn't even respond. He just daintily nodded his lowered head. 

"Why are you here anyways? Leave." Jungkook growled, carrying on with cleaning. For some reason, he couldn't look away from the short man in front of him.

Jimin took a deep breath before hesitantly looking up at Jungkook. His intuition was screaming at him to leave the maknae alone but Jimin full-heartedly declined. He genuinely wanted to help.

"I want to help." Jimin offered, waddling closer to Jungkook's bigger frame.

"No."  Jungkook smirked at the hyung. If it was any other member offering, he would say yes in an instant but he knew Jimin all too well. There was no way Jimin just wanted to "help".

Courageously, the short—chocolate haired boy expanded his arm towards Jungkook, holding the man's cold and veiny hand. His small fingertips gently pressing against Jungkook's hand made the maknae stand still, completely dumbfounded.

With a raised eyebrow, Jungkook looked down to the pouting hyung. His tired eyes were looking up at his much taller figure with determination. His cheeks were tinted a beautiful soft rose color. He looked so innocent, it was adorable, Jungkook thought.

"Let me help or else." Jimin threatened the younger, not looking away from his daring eyes. Even though Jimin wanted to submit to Jungkook's natural dominance and leave him alone, he refused.

He has been head-to-head with the larger and stronger man for way too long—to let Jungkook win him over all of a sudden. 

Jungkook wanted to laugh out-loud. Woahhh so scaryyyy.

"Or else what?" His smirk grew wider. Jimin swore he looked intimidating.

"Or else I'll tell Jin and Yoongi hyung that you hit me for asking if you wanted help!" Jimin smiled at Jungkook. His sly smirk was long gone.

That little shit.

" You act like such a kid" Jungkook harshly pushed Jimin off of him, making the smaller man fall back and land on top of the couch.

" Says the one who doesn't let other people help him clean." Jimin retorded standing back up, still looking straight at Jungkook's eyes.

He knew there was no way the maknae was going to say no.

Jungkook threw his head back, deeply sighing.

Jimin glanced at his neck, biting his lip. What if he kissed him? No, he would definitely get punched by Jungkook. But what if he didn't? What if Jungkook fucked hi-

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Jimin blinked repeatedly, coming back to his senses. He looked back down, blushing deeply. He really needed to stop imagining such obscene things.

"S-so will you let me help you?" 

Jungkook rolled his eyes, throwing a garbage bag at his hyung, disregarding the way Jimin looked at him. He was looking immensely lewd again.

"Thank you, Jungkook!"  Jimin smiled widely, opening the black plastic garbage bag.

"Fuck you" The younger hissed, picking up more bottles of empty beers.

"Oh I really wish you did Jungkookie" Jimin mentally responded.....or so he thought he did.

"What did you just say?"



// Authors Note //

Oooooho it's getting a little spicy hehehe 😏

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