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"Sup fuckface "

"Well good morning to you too jungcock."  Jimin rolled his sleepy eyes at the maknae, walking inside the dorm's kitchen.

It was quarter till 8 am and the two band members were the only ones awake among the seven. Even though the two men were still half awake, they were able to feel their hatred toward one another at their full potential and that was not good....at all.
These certain two members always managed to start arguing over the simplest things and at times, when they are not being observed, Jimin and Jungkook got physical, quickly.

"Haha very funny, now if you mind leaving because I'm about to eat." Jungkook pointed towards the kitchen entrance, raising his eyebrow at Jimin. He already felt irritated by the shorter's presence.

"What the hell is wrong with me staying here?" Jimin stood still looking straight at Jungkook, clearly baffled by the younger's remark. Jimin himself was surprised by Jungkook's response. He couldn't tell whether Jungkook was playing around or if he was being genuine. Whichever it was, Jimin was not having it.

"Well Jimin, you see I'm quite a clean person, so I can't really stand eating next to trash." Jungkook smirked at Jimin, resting his elbows on the kitchen counter. He knew how to easily make Jimin mad and he loved it. It brought the ebony haired taller complete satisfaction.

"Oh now you've done it fucker!!"  Before Jungkook could defend himself, the 22 year old was already on the floor receiving punches on his chest by Jimin who was on top of him. 

And the fighting began.


"These two are at it again." Namjoon sighed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Although he was used to the two band mates bickering and fighting, it was a rare occurrence of it happening this early.

"Yep. Just hope that they don't wake up Yoongi, you know how that will go if they do." Taehyung chuckled, sitting up on his bed and stretching. They both were woken up by the maknaes' fight.

He had spoken too soon. Before Taehyung and Namjoon could even stand up from their bed to stop the two enemies, loud footsteps caused the floor to shake vigorously.

"IM GOING TO FUCK THESE TWO UP!!" Yoongi yelled furiously storming out of his room.

Namjoon and Taehyung quickly cocked their heads towards one another. With wide eyes and open mouths, they stared at each other.

"Too late."

"Yeah eat shit, you piece of trash!" Jungkook laughed like a lunatic. He had his smaller hyung under him, his knee pressed against Jimin's back. With one hand holding both of Jimin's hands tightly behind him and the other hand pushing the older's face to the floor, he had Jimin completely dominated. 

The 24 year old managed to free his hand, quickly grabbing a hold of Jungkook's bulge. Without a second of hesitation, Jimin squeezed it as hard as he was capable of, earning a loud yell of distress from the younger.

"Aghhh" Jungkook winced in pain letting the smaller out of his hold.

"Ha!" Jimin released Jungkook's now bruised up balls falling to the floor, laughing .

Jungkook was about to grab Jimin's neck and choke him but was interrupted by footsteps, getting louder with each step nearing the kitchen. Even without looking up, both Jimin and Jungkook knew who the owner of the angry steps was. It was the only person that the two absolutely feared. 

"I'm going to kill you both" Yoongi calmly spoke out. He was standing behind the entrance. Fist clenched together. His usual pale skin had turned to a light red. Veins popping out from his arms to his neck. His deep brown eyes pierced the two on the floor. Shivers ran through their spines.

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