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"Jimin is doing what now?!?"

"Yeah, I can't believe it either. It was so disgusting hyung!"


Fuck fuck fuck

The instant Jimin left the restroom, he felt his whole body sink deep into the pits of embarrassment and anxiety—arms and legs shaking in fear.

Someone had definitely came in and heard them.

But who?

He ran his hand through his hair—letting out one big, reluctant sigh.

Fuck you Jungkook and your delicious cock




His heart was in his mouth, eyes laying at rest on the hyungs and an eccentric Taehyung who was rightfully so—avoiding his gaze.

Jimin was given no time to react to the obscure loudness of Jin before he was dragged towards the table by said elder. He could only gulp, anxiously clenching his fists inside his sweater paws as he sat back down in his previous seat.

He felt targeted—all eyes were on him—except for Taehyung's.

"I know what you did. Taehyung told me."

Jimin had never turned his head so fucking fast in his life before, wide eyes darting at the man opposite of him. A momentary look of discomfort crossed Taehyung's flushed face; still unable to make direct contact with the smaller.

Nervously, Jimin moistened his dry lips. The feeling of adrenaline and guilt—same as a child who was caught redhanded stealing candy, enclosed his shuddering body with a tremendous punch.

How he wished to be that child in this moment, disregarding his animosity towards defiance. At least, it was way better than being caught sucking off your enemy/band mate by your other band mate—a closed minded one at that.

"H-hyung I-

His stomach contracted to a tight ball, struggling to let out an excuse. It was no use, he was trapped. Nails now digging deep into his palms, Jimin chewed on his bottom lip averting his study gaze from Jin. He usually wasn't this self-effacing but he was losing control, feeling an abundant amount of unsteady tension; it was overwhelming.

"Was it bad?"

Hoseok bluntly asked causing the younger to freeze. That certainly wasn't a reaction he had expected. Jimin blinked excessively at the question—puffed lips twitching.

"Why would you ask that Hobi?! Of course it was bad! Poor Jimin was practically choking!"

"Actually it wasn't bad, I liked it!"

If he thought their stares were concerning before, they were now in shock, appalled by his response.
Namjoon even began to make gagging noises in absolute disgust.

"What the fuck Jimin? You like throwing up?!"


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