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"Fuck no."

"Didn't ask if you wanted to or not. You are going."

"Why do you want me to go with you? I have no intention of getting buff again, Jungkook."

If being forced to stay in the dorm with two, child-like men because of their current antagonistic relationship wasn't enough, this certainly was—and Jimin was far from pleased by it. Heck, he even considered begging Yoongi to stay with the two and wander off on his own but as expected, the elder was already in his studio room and Jimin, being the kind soul he is—let the man be.

Hyung is such a hard worker

"Trust me, there is no way your twink ass will get buff with one session."

Jungkook grew more impatient by the second, staring down at the elder with a frown, fist clenching in annoyance.

After one very long—passionate 'life lesson' lecture from none other than the leader himself, the younger decided it was best to go to the gym to release his emotional strain caused by Jimin. Oddly enough, as he was gathering his equipment, an idea emerged from his distorted mind; what if he took his enemy with him?

But why?

Well honestly, he didn't know—quick to make an excuse the instant said man questioned him.

" Nope. Take Taehyung or something." Jimin folded his lean arms, gaze fixated on the taller man.

The way Jungkook's face morphed enraged to the mention of Taehyung; tongue in cheek, eyes darkening—slight protrude on his chest, making the tight polyester t-shirt form an outline along his prominent pecks;
It was so fucking hot.

"Let's go."

The modulation of his voice—emphasis, abounding in thick-absolute authority over the elder—transmogrified Jimin into a state of submission. His once mighty gawk turned soft—head partially falling to avoid Jungkook's assertive glare.

Jimin was certain he would've dropped to his knees if it weren't for the chair's rail he was so securely holding onto.

Only a minute passed with no interference from the younger man. Jungkook just stood there, a couple of feet away from the hyung; gaze not daring to leave Jimin's face. He hated how it was awfully expressionless—yet, it had been the perfect opportunity to admire every feature on the shorter's face without being presumed as a creep—or even worse...

a man in love.

So fucking pretty

"Fine but don't expect me to lift anything over 4 kilos. Let's go."


"I'm already regretting this. Let's go back."

There they stood—awkwardly facing the elevator door as Jungkook unconsciously and very cutely hummed the melody coming from the speakers.

His scent tickled Jimin's nose. It was an oriental, sensual distinctive fragrance. Subtle yet sweet like honey comb and flowers. The hyung was familiar with the scent...but he had never smelt it on Jungkook before.

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