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Excitement with a sparse trace of anxiety;
that would be an understatement as to what the younger was feeling at the moment.

He had been waiting for Jimin for the past six minutes—anticipating the elder's arrival.

Jungkook's intentions could be easily misunderstood as innocent, like a cliché coming-of-age chick flick; in which a girl awaits her crush in the middle of the school's courtyard to confess her undying love for him.

Yet, the current situation was unlike the pure—amorous movie; no, this was scenery of an explicit first-time experience in the making.

Jungkook was antagonistic to hopeless romantics. Even the way he currently felt made him queasy. But there he was, acting just like one. It wasn't because he wanted to see and converse with his hyung though.

Jungkook was eager for pleasure the twenty-four year old sufficiently gave him; both physically and mentally.

The man wanted nothing more than to see his enemy beg for him, particularly, beg for his cock like the little slut he was.

He desired to win this round of their erotogenic rivalry game—as well as handle and taste the delicious flesh again.

Who could blame him for being a horny mess of a man? He had never gotten this intimate with anyone.

Every minute that passed with no sign of the hyung, Jungkook eventually became irritated. He was on his phone mindlessly scrolling through twitter—his built body, leisurely resting on the couch.

What is taking him so long?

Finally after a few more yawns and glances at the time, the entrance door opened—revealing the petite elder.

Jungkook's gaze shot up, quickly forgetting about the device in his hand.

A flush of excitement and anxiety flooded his system like an intravenous drip—right into his blood at full pelt. He grew tense. Every muscle craved relaxation as blood coursed miles of veins and pulse sounds into the younger's ears...

ba-boom, ba-boom.
Jimin was now inside the dorm, preoccupied by the door lock—he was a glimpse of heaven for a few seconds and Jungkook unwittingly loved it.

The taller had escaped reality—staring at the man standing nearly fifteen feet away from him. Images  of Jimin in provocative positions streamed through his perverted mind.

Am I really going to do this?

There was an impulsive explosion in his brain, a good sort. The type that carried more possibilities than he could be conscious of; but there were hundreds of ideas there in that buzz of electricity running through his body that made him re-think his plan—he could feel it.

Should I take Jimin to my room? Should I throw Jimin on the couch? Should I kiss Jimin? Should I let my body take control? Should I fuck Jimin now?
What if I just leave?

His mind and body were debating his future actions—it was a battle between anxiety and excitement; that would surely end in victory of his body. 

Jungkook needed to have Jimin. He needed his hyung to lose.

"Sorry I took long Hobi hyung. I wanted to bu-"

Jimin was taken aback the second he turned around—an expression of bewilderment on his face. He had been expecting Hoseok to be the man sitting on the couch, not his enemy.

The short man was left speechless, his wide-glazed eyes studied every feature on Jungkook's face, down to his exposed torso. The maknae was staring right back at him with what looked to be the same expression.

Pure, alluring silence crammed in between the two bodies.

Jimin's mind wanted to run fast to his room and hide under the bed covers but his body yearned for the opposite.

His body wanted to jump onto the younger man and ride him as is; however, the hyung knew he couldn't.

If he were to let his body take control, it would be the end of the little game they were playing—and to his own- kinky desire, he loved playing it.

"What are you doing here?"

The inquiry naturally rolled off his sweet tongue. He didn't want to jump into any conclusions as to why his serendipitous- other half was the one waiting for him instead of his Hobie hyung; but possible reasonings arose in his mind.

Was Jungkook even waiting for me?

The slight, negligible grin featuring on the younger's lips was enough to prove Jimin's judgments.

Jungkook was definitely up to something.

"Took you long enough...princess"


//Author's Note //

Ikik kill me there's no smut BUT don't lose hope! I'm just preparing y'all for what's about to come next hehe.

Shout out to my good friend jiminsfloss
for giving me advice and helping me get through this chapter!
I really wanted to update today as promised so that's why the chapter is a bit short.


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