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A/N: I recommend listening to some sad songs while reading :(


    It definitely came as a surprise to Jimin when Taehyung suddenly got up from the leather couch and sprinted to his direction. No warning was given before the man basically jumped on top of him, causing him to fall back on the backrest with one, generous thud. He knew Taehyung meant no harm—of course his best friend wouldn't know what taking dick up the ass without proper preparation would do to one's lower back. But the second his already aching rear made contact with the white elasticity of a couch; Jimin jolted. Needless to say, it was painful, agonizing almost.

Had he been too careless, reacting in instinct—Jimin would have instantly pushed Taehyung off of him and swear at the much larger man in every language he could think of till sunrise. He was about to, hands quickly finding their way to Taehyung's broad shoulders, until their eyes met.

The man refused to look away from Jimin's panicked face. Even his lips—pecked with prominent shades of purples and yellows trembled and his shoulders heaved with emotion, unwilling to look down. His dark lashes brimmed heavy with tears; large hands clenched Jimin's slender waist—noting the curvature of his best friend's body.

A lone tear traced down his cheek.

"Taehyung what's wrong?"  The softness of Jimin's voice only made him burst into tears like water from a dam.


This man he's holding so gently with his fingertips is fragile, small and yet—he hurt him. He hurt Jimin, made him cry. He made an angel cry.

"I h-hurt you." His long brawny arms gently wrapped around Jimin, nuzzling his head in the crook of the elder's neck. The lingering scent of sweet almond soap comforted Taehyung—bruised eyes fluttering shut to the fragrance. Even if the wetness of his face caused him to slightly shudder, Jimin allowed his friend to have his moment. To mourn in guilt completely ignoring the fact that his ass was killing him.

"It's okay Tae, you know I'll always love you."

"So you and Kook, don't you guys hate each other?" Taehyung glided the tips of his fingers along his dry lips—eyebrows lifting in interest.

And yet, after another couple minutes of anticipating Jungkook's return—they waited. All of Taehyung's tears were dried, his voice; hoarse. The question was abrupt and uncalled for, he admitted but after retrieving back to the couch—he noticed something...on Jimin. There were two distinct hickeys marked on the side of his neck; spotted in raging red and purple. It irritated him...a lot.

"We don't."  The elder was quick to answer, eyes not peeling away from the tv. It was showcasing a woman on her tippy toes, leaning for a kiss. Stupid k-dramas. Meanwhile, Taehyung sneered at the response, his jaw clenching in annoyance.

"Then what? Are you two dating?"


Jimin's voice softened, feeling his cheeks burning in embarrassment—hands clenching his kneecaps. Just the thought of dating Jungkook made him melt, flourish into such an adoring desire. Boyfriend; a relationship deeper than just a friendship. Boyfriend; feeling loved and validated—something Jimin lacked of.

He knew very well Jungkook could never be his boyfriend...

" N-no! We are just friends...with benefits."

"Hmm is that so?" Taehyung was truly intrigued by the way Jimin reacted, his lips curling into an unconscious smirk. Eyes not leaving Jimin's gaze, he pulled out his juul—taking a hit.

"yah what did I tell you about vaping Taehyung-ah. It's not good for you!" Stop it."

It was a habit, it eased his anxiety. Watching the way the smoke escaped his mouth, vanishing into thin air—becoming one with the wind. It was comforting, but he knew all too well it could lead to a serious scandal if the media were to find out.

Speaking about scandals

"There's hickeys on your neck."

"There is?" Jimin placed his fingers on the bruising skin, gently dragging his fingertips along it. Delicious shivers ran down his spine remembering Jungkook mouthing at his neck while he thrusted into him so fucking good. Shit

"And work starts in a few days."

"Yea I know."

"Hmm there's hickeys all over your neck and you can barely walk, Jimin-ah do you think it's smart to continue what you guys are doing?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"You can only hide this bandmates with benefits for so long before people start questioning you two and from obvious experiences, you guys aren't the most careful. What if it wasn't me who entered the bathroom but a stranger?"

He shifts uncomfortably on the couch, avoiding Taehyung's heavy gaze. How he wished Jungkook could come right now and end this unpleasant conversation. Tae noticed his obvious discomfort, sighing.

"If SNS finds out you're gay is scandalous enough, imagine how it would be if they find out you and Jungkook are intimate? That's just asking for the band to break. I'm not saying this to come off as homophobic or against you Jimin-ah, but setting our friendship aside, in a professional stance—having sex with Jungkook is incredibly risky not only for you two but for everyone in Bighit."

He hated the way Jimin's expression formed in sorrow, it pained him yet it needed to be said. This wasn't some fictional world, like those stories fans write where they live happily together. No, this was reality. They were bandmates. Idols, heck! They are living legends. Legends with reputations like none other, reputations that can affect not only their lives but everyone under the big contract.

Just Bandmates



" I know. "


Author's Note

Yo! Short chapter I know but there will be another one very soon!

Hope you enjoyed!

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