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What the hell was I thinking?

Instantly after he left his enemy on the couch in a state of astonishment, Jimin hurtled to his room. His erection, throbbing in between his trembling thighs. As quietly as he could, the short male closed the door—jerking his head towards his sleeping hyung. The last thing he wanted to do was wake Hoseok up.

Jimin knew the elder wouldn't shut up as to why he was awake at such an hour and why he had a boner.

Prowling to his bed, he jumped on top of the white comforter. His hand over his racing heart.

What the fuck just happen?

He had expected Jungkook to actually kill him for saying he wanted the younger to fuck him not actually do what he did; touch him so sensuously, lick his sensitive skin, hold him with such affection. Have Jimin crave for more.

The panting male closed his slanted eyes, his small hands trailing from his risen chest to his neck. Chubby fingers tickling the hot skin.

An immense feeling of ecstasy radiated through his lascivious body, sending shivers down his spine. He was already longing for Jungkook's mouth on his neck.

"Jimin you are an absolute idiot" He cursed himself for deceiving the maknae at the end. If only he hadn't let his emotions take control, he would've been getting dick at this moment. Not just any dick though.

Jeon fucking Jungkook's dick—which Jimin had noted was huge after mindlessly grinding his ass on it.

That's right. He grinded his ass on Jungkook's bulge. He even gave the younger an erotic lap dance.

All of a sudden, a blush seared through his warm cheeks—and for a minute he thought his face was on fire. He felt awkward, demure, and coy; even going as far as attempting to hide his rosy features behind his short fingers. He wanted to scream and squirm on his bed but he knew that his hyung would be woken. 

The feeling of embarrassment draped over his small frame.

Unexpectedly, a loud bing coming from his phone echoed throughout the room. Pausing from his childish action, he looked over to his nightstand through his fingers. It was a notification.

After reaching over his bed to get his phone, he unlocked the passcode with facial recognition. The second his eyes landed on the message sender's name, his heart dropped along with a loud gasp escaping from his lips. A shot of adrenaline ran through his body. His hand stiffened.

It was Jungkook. 

He took a moment— just staring at the notification bar with wide, quivering eyes before sliding his finger across the bright screen. It instantly opened the message.

It read:

💥Jeon Jeongguk 💥
:Watch your back from now on Park Jimin. If you want to play like that then let's play. Daddy is going to make you regret you did that to him.

Jimin nearly threw his phone across the room. His cheeks and ears were burning, his body shuttered. His heart began to beat impulsively.

His breathing; now uneven.

He didn't know whether to be nervous of Jungkook's uncalled-for warning or be thrilled.

The younger was clearly not furious at his hyung though. He called himself Daddy for fucksake.

But what if he was?
Jimin couldn't let his mischievous mind misinterpret the message. But it couldn't be helped.

A smile tugged at Jimin's plump lips. He felt a solemn sense of excitement rush within him as he typed.

Park Jimin
:Then let's play 😉😉
I've already won the first round daddy 😝

He hit send then turned off his phone. A wide smile still spread across his pretty face.

What did Jungkook have in-store for him?

From the other room, Jungkook laid in his bed. It's been twelve minutes since he was left on the couch—and while walking to his room he decided to text Jimin; already having plans render his mind. Once he saw Jimin's reply, a devilish smirk appeared on his face.

"Well this should be fun." The enemies said in unison.



//Author's note//

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