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An alien can run around the locker room, ass-naked—being chased by a fish and still, Jimin wouldn't be as shocked as he was at this moment.

There he stood, static; lips formed into a thin line compressed by Jungkook's thin ones. It was a gentle gesture, the warmth of the younger's palm firmly cupping his cheeks in adoration. Just as he felt a rush of euphoric bliss envelop him—making his heart flutter, Jimin pulled away from the kiss with a soft push against Jungkook's chest.

"D-don't call me baby."

His voice was as light as a feather, tickling the younger's senses—a slight pout formed on his plumped lips, short fingers tugging his sweater. Shyly, he averted his gaze to the side.

Maybe, he was already missing the man's affection.

Jungkook just watched him melt, tongue gliding over his tingling lips, wanting to savor Jimin's peachy taste—his own heart; pounding profusely. It was obvious he made Jimin flustered with the sudden kiss and honestly, dark glistening orbs dilating along with a wide grin reaching those tender eyes of his; Jungkook may have enjoyed it a bit too much.

Definitely a new way of teasing

"What? Why can't I call you baby?" In a low—enticed tone, Jungkook snickered, fomenting yet another wave of shyness striking Jimin's body like electricity. The elder took a moment, enthralled by the man's closeness. It was so unlike him.

"Only my lover can call me baby."

Surely enough, Jungkook was taken-aback by his response. His lips molding into what seemed to be a pout—eyebrows furrowing.

"Aren't I your lover?"

Jimin's breath hitched. Widened eyes slowly trailing from the negligible crease formed on the black sweat-shirt that notably fitted Jungkook a bit too tightly, up to the man's face; amazed.

Is he being serious?


"I'm just teasing, idiot." Jungkook chuckled, running his hand through his wet strands of hair.

What a cutie


"Am I heavy?"

The two were only a few feet away from the dorm's entrance. Slim arms tightly wrapped around Jungkook's neck—chest against his back. The younger's hands were under Jimin's thighs, supporting him. It was the first time Jungkook gave his hyung a piggyback ride and to say the least; it was definitely not the last.

"You're perfect." The words naturally slipped out his mouth, surprising not only Jimin but himself as well. The hyung blushed, nestling his face on the crook of his neck causing him to slightly shudder. His scent; fresh with hints of masculinity was delicious, absorbing every part of Jimin.

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

That's right. He didn't hate Jungkook. He hadn't felt hatred for the younger since they began their sexual "relationship". Instead, he felt a sense of comfort and fondness when around him. His heart always raced without fail, skin curling and blushing with ecstasy. If he were being honest, he knew these feelings weren't the cause of their sex. No. These feelings were the cause of him falling for Jungkook all over again.

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