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"Well this should be fun"

yeah fucking right.

Jungkook had just started his daily workout; already fatigued by the excessive training. His muscles strained against the sheer fabric at his forearms as he wiped beads of perspiration off his forehead.

The strands of ebony hair that were once covering his eyes were now pushed back—damped. His chest, rising and falling with each deep breath he took. The black shirt sticking to his wet skin, followed every bit of his movements.

The maknae had never left such exhaustion over a mere strength exercise but there he was, sitting on the bench, his body burning; pleading for a break.

" You okay Kook?" Jungkook glanced at the man in front of him; inconsiderably smiling. It was his personal trainer.

"Yeah I'm okay hyung"

He lied. Jeon Jeongguk was far from okay. He's been stressed day in and night out; thinking about a certain man. A man that he had been purposely avoiding for the past eight days.

Why? You may be asking.

It was all part of his plan...and he regretted it, immensely.

He wanted to make Jimin beg for his touch and attention; but instead, Jungkook was going crazy over him.

With every little thing the hyung did, It had Jungkook drooling. His laugh turned into faint memories of his moan. Every glance Jungkook gave the elder, flashbacks of his gorgeous ass expertly grinding against his cock, suffused his head. The lingering—exquisite taste of his delicate skin was killing jungkook.

Jimin was a drug the younger grew addicted to.

Each day that passed without touching the smaller, the more Jungkook craved him. It was pure torture for him but he knew that if he confronted his hyung, he would lose the little game they were playing.

And one thing for certain was that Jungkook absolutely despised losing.

"Kook?" Jungkook averted his gaze from the gym's floor to his trainer. He had completely spaced out.


" You look dead, man. I think we should call it a day." The man chuckled, tossing a water bottle to the younger.

" Are you sure hyung? I'm really oka-

" Just get some rest. I'll come by tomorrow around the same time alright?" Jungkook sighed in defeat, nodding.

" Thanks hyung"

As soon as the maknae arrived at the dorm he headed straight to the shower; eager to get clean.

As much as he loved working out and dancing, Jungkook hated smelling bad. Any stench as meager as it was coming off his body, cursed his sensitive nose.

Taking off all of his clothes, the tall man checked himself out in the mirror. A slight smirk played on his chapped—thin lips.
Even if it were a bit self-conceited, Jungkook knew his body was heavenly.
A low moan liberated from his mouth as the water fell on his bare body. It was scorching, untangling all the knots of stress in him—washing away his musk scent. As much as he wished the heated water would cleanse his thoughts, it was impossible.

The raven haired man was still thinking about Jimin in such carnal ways.

His young imagination ran wild.

What if Jimin didn't play him that day? Would they have fucked?

Most likely

"Shit" Jungkook sighed looking down at his cock. It was solid—begging for aid.

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