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Quickly after Taehyung announced the rest of the member's presence rather loudy, Jimin and Jungkook fled from the kitchen.

Jimin hurriedly ran to his shared room and shut the door as quietly as he could. After closing the door, he leaned against it. The short man exhaled deeply, allowing the breath he kept in while with Jungkook, finally out.

If it weren't for taller's absurd act in the end, the hyung would have definitely fainted.

Flashbacks from a few moments ago flooded his mind.

"What the fuck happened?" Jimin whispered to himself. He touched his lips, remembering the way Jungkook caressed them; so gentle yet so seductive. Shivers ran down the small man's body.

His eyebrows furrowed. Jungkook had never done this type of teasing to him before. He has never touched his hyung with such lascivious intentions and it was driving Jimin crazy.

Was Jungkook really just playing around with him or was there something more behind the touch? Whatever it was, Jimin needed to know.

"Yah Jeon, where is Jiminie?" Taehyung asked the maknae who was busy playing piano tiles on his phone.

After hearing the rest enter the dorm, Jungkook left his plate behind and calmly walked to the nearest couch. He didn't know why he did in the first place. He just needed to leave the kitchen. He needed to think clearly after what he did to jimin. He had never intended to touch the man the way he did. It was just something about the older that compelled Jungkook to do so.

"It was Jimin's fault. That little shit is trying to seduce me." Jungkook thought, biting his bottom lip. He stared at his phone. He lost the game.

"Jungkook? Are you listening?" Taehyung waved his hand in front of Jungkook's expressionless face.

"What?" Jungkook repeatedly blinked, finally looking up at his hyung. Taehyung stared at his bandmate questionably. He sounded infuriated.

" I asked where Jimin is, what's wrong with you? Taehyung lashed out, clearly offended by the younger's tone towards him. No wonder why Jimin always wants to beat this mushroom up.

"Why would I know where that elf is ?!? Go find him or something, you made me lose and I was so close to a new highscore!" Jungkook was irritated. Was Taehyung trying to antagonize him? Why would he ask him about Jimin? He didn't want to think about his short hyung because every time he did, images of his lewd face appeared in his head. He hated it.

"Jungkook don't talk to me like that, I'm your hyung!" Taehyung smacked Jungkook's head, gaining a groan from the younger.

Taehyung was right. He shouldn't be getting mad at other people. He should only be getting mad at a certain hyung. A certain man with a baby face and soft pretty skin. He should be mad at Jimin for making him feel the way he did. Making him feel horny. But of course Jungkook would never admit that.

"Sorry Hyung"


A few days have passed and the two enemies wouldn't spare a glance at each other let alone talk. How could they after what happened in the kitchen? The members didn't really care about the silent treatment the two were giving each other though. They could finally live life peacefully in the dorm without worrying about Jimin and Jungkook purposely killing each other. Well, all members except for one. Kim Taehyung.

He had been eyeing his two mates closely after they were left alone four days ago. The way they both acted that same day was enough for the usual naive man to question the enemies.

- Four Days Ago -

After his odd encounter with the maknae in the living room, Taehyung went searching for Jimin. His best friend was in his room and was acting a bit too strange for Tae's liking.

Jimin was awkwardly standing in the middle of the room, his face was flushed. The way he fidgeted his small fingers nervously made Tae concerned. His short buddy wouldn't even look up at him in the eyes when he entered the room.

"Did you just wake up Minnie?" Tae asked, walking closer to his stiff friend. He gently held Jimin's small sweater paw, making the smaller stop his fidgeting. He couldn't look up at Taehyung. He was sure he looked like a wreck.

Jimin thought for a minute. Should he tell Tae that he had gone out of the room already? No, what if Jungkook told him, he hadn't?

" Jiminie-

"N-no, I just woke up" Jimin stuttered, briefly glancing up at Taehyung. Once their eyes met, Jimin quickly looked back down. He was such a mess.

"Oh..ok. Well hurry up! You have to eat!" Tae smiled at Jimin, ruffling his soft locks.

After Jimin made his way into the living room where the rest of the members, including his so-called "rival" were, he sat next to Yoongi. Taehyung noticed that he was still acting abnormal.

As Namjoon discussed the group's plans, Tae had his eyes glued to Jimin discreetly. The brown haired boy kept glancing at Jungkook. It wasn't any normal gaze that the two maknaes usually gave each other; no, it was a type of gaze that changed Jimin's facial expressions. Every time he looked at the maknae, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth parted.

Taehyung even swore he saw a small blush emerging on Jimin's chubby cheeks at one point.

The handsome man an asserted his attention towards Jungkook. He noted that every time Jimin looked away from the younger, Jungkook would look back at him.

It was a divergent gaze from Jimin's almost loving and shy one. Jungkook's gaze towards the short hyung was filled with anger. It wasn't even a gaze, it was more of a penetrating glare that even Taehyung himself, felt intimidated by.

Did Jungkook really hate Jimin that much? Taehyung internally sighed, feeling bad for his best friend.

But Jimin hated Jungkook equivalently to the younger, so why was he looking at Jungkook like that? Did something possibly happen between the two that the members were not aware of? Or was Taehyung just thinking too excessively ?


So ever since that day, Taehyung made it his duty to observe the two enemies judiciously—until he had an answer to their sudden change of behavior towards one another.



// Author Note //

I hope you've enjoyed this short chapter! I will update soon!

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