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"-just fucking destroy me Jeon.


Whether it was Jimin's form of figurative speech falling off his rich tongue, his ludicrous mind spoke out once again, a habit—granting Jungkook awareness of his current lecherous desires. It wasn't until the younger man broke out into a low chuckle, that he realized he had said it out-loud.


"As you wish, my baby boy."

Almost instantly Jungkook responded. His voice—sensuous and insistent, sating Jimin's urges. The elder shyly looked away from his alluring nudity, cursing at himself in his head. Did he want Jungkook to fuck him again? Yes. Did he necessarily want Jungkook to know?

Well he did now.

The sudden sounds of bare feet harshly slapping against the cold, cement floor became consistent and louder, approaching the man's smaller frame. Jungkook knew from the way Jimin shifted into his authentic self—timid and fragile-like, that the hyung didn't mean to say the suggestive comment. It was cute for the most part, but the raven-haired craved more than just an unintentional confession. He wanted to turn Jimin's demand into reality.

Jungkook wanted to destroy Jimin just as much as the hyung desired to be destroyed. Have him moan out his name, along with beautiful teary eyes rolling back in absolute pleasure—nearing climax.

Oh, how he needed to feel the heat he yearned for.

What a perfect time

A jolt went down Jimin's spine as he was met by a pair of seductive dark brown eyes gawking down at him. They were enticing, glints of luminosity layering his pupils like obsidian. Jungkook was now only a couple of inches away from him. His body; consuming Jimin in a way of enchantment, thick heat radiating from his sweaty flesh.

The elder's own body fell victim to Jungkook's persuasive aura—arising an unsolicited whimper from his gaped lips. To his astonishment, his limbs reacted on their own; hands suddenly gripping the man's broad shoulders. He pushed himself onto Jungkook, bodies meeting with one, bold thrust. The younger's exposed cock glided along the sheer fabric of Jimin's shirt as the shorter got on his tippy-toes, making said man bite his bottom lip.

The simple contact was enough to send Jungkook into a state of carnality, hungry for sexual intimacy. His mind, thoughts were faded by the heat of desire as his lips perfectly aligned the vacant space between Jimin's plump lips—arms wrapping around the elder's slender waist.

They had no characteristic of being tentative—having absolutely no doubt in their lubricious; impure actions. In this moment, they only wanted to feel each other in ways that were out-of-righteous bonds between band mates; kissing, touching and lovemaking.

The strong, instinctive feeling deriving within him each time he glanced at the hyung previous to their current scenery, those same emotions he had been purposefully concealing for all these past days—flourished into what it was now.

In this moment, Jimin grew to be the cause of Jungkook's euphoria.

Now, with each formidable thrust into the smaller's sweet-tight heat, Jungkook verged to his climax.
He loved watching the way Jimin threw his head back, indulging every bit of his body and mind into the pleasure he gave him. The sounds of the elder's ethereal moans becoming louder, heavenlier every time his cock grazed upon his prostate, pierced his hearing.

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