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-Last Night-

" Hey Jimin?"


"If you mention anything, to anyone about us,
I'll make you regret it."

"Is that a threat Jungkookie?"

"No. It's a promise...princess."

-Flashback Over-

" I gave it to him."


Exactly. What ?

Jimin could only sit there—eyes wide in disbelief; looking directly at the man who he dreaded to see. The other members present in the kitchen could only do the same; waiting for Jungkook's explanation.

On the contrary, Jungkook was self-satisfied; coy with the reactions he had caused. Especially the reaction of the small hyung in front of him. His soft; pretty face distraught in utter shock at his confession only gave Jungkook malicious pleasure.

He had been listening to the conversation between the members since they began to question Jimin and he absolutely loved every second of it. Thanks to him, Jimin was having the hardest time trying to cover up last night's evidence

—and to make matters worse for his enemy, Jungkook decided to confess.

Or so Jimin thought.

As much as Jungkook wanted to watch his hyung stutter out excuses, he couldn't allow Jimin to slip up and accidentally expose what they had done the night before.


All of the member's eyes were eating away at the younger's face; confused with his sudden words, yet Jungkook could only look straight ahead, captivated by the man sitting in front of him.

He was pale. Nearly trembling in nervousness.

Jungkook swore he could get lost in those eyes of his. Dark chocolate orbs, striking as innocent and in fear. Although perceived as pure, Jungkook knew what those same exact eyes meant.

He was far too familiar with them.

They were the eyes of his enemy. The man who Jungkook knew to be anything but innocent. Those eyes meant excitement with a slight hint of worry.

Tsk Tsk Jimin. You really are a terrible liar

"Yeah. I gave it to him...."

He was now sitting across from Jimin—still staring intensely into his eyes.


Jungkook continued; a sly smirk tugging at his lips. Jimin quietly exhaled and rolled his eyes—scoffing at his response.

What a dickhead

"Accidentally?"  Jin was now the one to speak up, placing a plate of food in front of Jungkook.

Taehyung was more than engrossed by their behavior; closely watching every single facial expression they gave each other.

" I burned him yesterday, with boiling water." 

"Aish!" Jin exclaimed, hitting the back of Jungkook's head.

"Ow what was that for?!? I said it was an accident hyung!"

" I knew I shouldn't have left you two alone! Aish, Jimin are you okay?"  Hoseok sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"What? You left these two alone?! Yah Hoseok!" Jin reached over the maknae, hitting the back of Hobie's head as well.

Jimin couldn't help but slightly laugh at the ruckus, catching Jungkook's gaze. The taller froze—breath hitching to the view. It was angelical imagery in the form of a single man. His smile, his eyes, the faint cherry-bloom tinting his full cheeks, his laugh—so quiet yet drowning; all had Jungkook in a sweet, ardent daze.

Maybe he didn't hate Jimin as much as he thought he did.


All seven of the members were now eating in the kitchen. It had been pretty silent...yoongi didn't like loud mornings.

But as always, Hoseok is Hoseok; a loud ray of sunshine.

"Yes ?"

"Since you were out pretty late, did you see anything that could have indicated an earthquake?"

"Earthquake? No, I didn't. Why?" 

"See what did I tell you Tae! No earthquake happened!" Hoseok scoffed, folding his arms.

"But how is that possible? I felt the dorm shake...and so did Jin hyung! Yah Jungkook did you feel it?" Taehyung argued, placing his hand on his best friend's  shoulder.

Jimin suddenly fell shy, moderately jerking his head towards Jungkook, who had been trying his best to not burst out laughing.

The two were well aware it wasn't an earthquake but something more obscene.

" I did."  The younger sneered, staring at Jimin.

"Aha! so it was an earthquake!"

"No it wasn't!"

" Then how is it possible that 3 people felt it then?!!
Namjoon Hyung!"


"Did you feel it?!?"-

The bickering between Hobie and Taehyung was drowned out by loud heartbeats. Both Jimin and Jungkook were absorbed by their gazes, staring deep into each other's eyes. It was as if everything surrounding the two was in slow motion.

Courageously, Jungkook winked at the smaller—ending their amorous tension. Jimin rolled his eyes for the second time, a minuscule smile unconsciously appearing on his face.

Little did the two know that one certain member had been observing their cavernous stare in silence—confirming his suspicion.

Just as Taehyung, he had been questioning the sudden change of behavior between the enemies for a while. Not that he cared, but he admitted, it was rather quite amusing.

Earthquake my ass


//Author's Note//

Oooo shitttt 👀👀 who can the member beee?!

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