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What the hell?!!

Never in a million years had Jin thought the two enemies would ever get along, but there they were before him—in a very close proximity without fighting or bickering.

It was a dream come fucking true.

He couldn't hear what they were talking about, but from the looks of it; Jimin being basically latched onto the younger—radiant smile beaming under the dimmed restaurant lighting, and Jungkook, smirking with hints of heeds—it was probably a good conversation.

The hyung had no idea what was actually causing those reactions.

"You too seem closer."

His loud voice startled the two—both abruptly turning to see the hyung sitting in front of them.  Jungkook felt his whole body run cold, cock nearly softening the second his eyes landed on the elder.


On the other hand, Jimin was having more than enough fun, feeling Jungkook tense by Jin's sudden remark. He was far too drunk to care—drunk in lust and thrill.

His eyes darted away from Jin—meeting the younger's timid face. He was stiff, his hand now placed over Jimin's, forcing the hyung to stop groping him.

Jimin's eyes flickered down to Jungkook's bulge, the smile he already wore spread even wider.

Im going to fucking wreck you, Jeon

"Yeah I guess we are closer."

Jimin was first to speak, giving Jungkook's bulge short, delicious squeezes. There was no way he was going to let his cock soften. The tingles given from the contact felt fucking amazing; causing the maknae to bite down on his bottom lip—gaze not leaving Jin's.

It was hot; so fucking hot and wrong.

"Isn't that right...Jungkookshi?"

His soft, slurred words were that of sweet venom. They seemed so innocent, pure of brotherly bonding that even Jin couldn't help but smile.


They have gotten closer alright. Real close

Jungkook swallowed down his saliva, mouth feeling a brittle dry. The sensible—arousing feeling of Jimin's touch over his cock was unbearable. He needed release...now.

His chapped lips were slightly parted ready to respond yet, no words fell off his scorching tongue. No words came to mind—he was too drugged by pleasure; dazed in corrupt prospects.

The only thing he could do is slightly nod, to which he did.

"I'm glad you guys are closer! That makes me really happy!" Jin smiled widely at the pair, sipping on his beer.

The elder was about to continue but was interrupted by a rather antsy Jungkook standing up from his chair. Jimin was quick to pull away from the younger, taken aback by his sudden action. All eyes were on him now.

"I have to go to the restroom."

He waited for no responses, rapidly walking towards what he hoped to be the bathrooms.

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