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The second Hoseok jumped on top of Jungkook, his life flashed before his eyes—bad idea attempting to scare the muscle-head of the group.

"AH fuck—"

With a scrunched face, Jimin felt the weight of the hyung on top of him as Jungkook pulled his talented fingers out of his ass, quickly wrapping them around his waist.

It was too dark to even see were he jumped. Hoseok completely missed the two bodies on the couch only grazing them ever so slightly before landing on the cold floor besides them with an angry thud.

It hurt.

"What the fuck was that?!?" Taehyung flinched.

"OH MY—Fuck me in the ass-SHIT hurtsss!!

"What happened?!" Jin and Namjoon ran through the dorm's entrence, worried looks spreading across their tired faces followed by Yoongi, unfazed by the scenario. The four elders had been in and out of meetings, leaving the maknaes in the dorm—and from the looks of it, Jin began to second guess leaving the men alone in the future.

Jungkook's strong, fitted arms remained possessive around Jimin's waist. His hurried features went feral, reminiscent of his animal instinct—protecting what is his from any potential threat. The sweet scent of Jimin's wet hair tickled his nose as he pulled the hyung even closer; hard, clothed cocks making brief contact.

Jimin whimpered—his small hands cupped Jungkook's hard pecks, heart fluttering at the sensation of the younger's delicious heat and scent engulfing him. His body was trembling. He hasn't felt this much adrenaline since last night, feeling nauseous almost. The feeling of getting caught red-handed: stomach turning, throat getting drier by the second. How he wished to evaporate into thin air in this exact moment or sneak out while he had the chance. Too bad the maknae's hold was tighter than his ass—and to make matters worse, someone turned the lights on; completely throwing his devious plan out the window of strategies.


There was a moment of pure fear coursing through every one of his veins at the speed of lighting, spiraling out of control by the ends of his finger tips. His mind was at fog, not realizing that through his convulsion, his finger tips got a hold of Jungkook's nipples. The spark of fear and adrenaline held mighty power, strength exerting from those pretty little tips to the clothed nipples.



A bark liberated from Jungkook's lips just loud enough to turn all the attention from the worried hyungs onto him. The elder quickly moved his fingers away once realizing that he was basically teasing the now hardened nipples, twirling and tugging them as a comfort. His cheeks reddened, beads of cold sweat compiled on his forehead. It was so hard to breath under the thick blanket—for sure he was going to pass out at any second.

Waves of silence washed over the living room, it was killing him—the only sound that floated through his pounding ears was the blaring thunder strumming Jungkook's heart.

Ba- dump Ba-dump

Calm down Jimin, calm down. Jungkook has everything in control

As expected, Jungkook was also tightly framed into a state of shock, bewildered by Jimin's touch. His breath became weary as the five pairs of eyes burned holes into every angle of his face. They were all waiting for him to explain the questionable sound written off his chapped, parted lips.

Should he make the slightest move, Jimin would instantly be exposed, he thought. His trembling eyes wandered from the very obvious curvature of the blanket that molded the hyung's ass to Hoseok.

Would it even be a big deal if he revealed Jimin?

The awkward silence only made him feel less at ease, teeth now anxiously chewing away at his bottom lip. Of course it was a big deal. They are enemies. Enemies don't cuddle and they definitely don't have their hard cocks rubbing against each other.

"Kook, What the fuck was that?" Hoseok scoffed, breaking the thick line of awkward tension.
Jungkook could feel a string of sweat streaming down the side of his neck as he gulped. He recalled the time where Jimin was in this exact position after the first time they had sex. This is what Jimin was feeling in that moment.

His stomach turned, hands clutching Jimin's waist tighter.

Say something. Anything

"He's probably playing with his balls under the blanket."


Well, everything would have been fine if only such a curious hyung wasn't next to him. The wide, playful smile own by the man capable of turning any situation more unpleasant was now embedded in Jungkook's mind.

"Are you really?!" Hoseok questioned, eagerly grabbing a hold of the blanket. He tugged.

Ba dump ba dump

The chill air pierced Jimin's wet skin like millions of little needles. His face, nestled on Jungkook's chest remained hidden from the members. Even if he yearned for some fresh air, there was no way in hell he's going to face the members. He gripped the maknae's chest with all his strength. His heart definitely dropped.

Jungkook tried to pull the blanket back before it was too late but...it really was too late.

Hoseok's laugh was quick to die down. Teasing smiles plastered of the elder's faces, faded in an instant. Silence resided once again.

The blanket, their only source of protection was now on the floor at Hoseok's feet, abandoned.
On the couch,
there laid a shivering Jimin, hot body on top of his enemy...cuddling. A couple holding each other as if their life depended on it. Adrenaline rushed through their blood stream at full pelt, almost turning their faces blue.

SHIT OKAY OKAY maybe if I don't move, they won't see me!



Jimin indeed.



Author's note

I'm sooo sorryyyy : (

I wanted to write more but I was also eager to publish a chapter so i cut it short!

New chapter
Coming soon!

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