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// sorry for not uploading in almost a week... hehe anyways here ya go !!//


"Took you long enough...princess."

Jimin's brain formulated no thoughts other than to register that he was in utter shock at Jungkook's comment. His soft-plump lips were left parted, his pupils; dilated. The shorter averted his gaze from the smirking other, looking down to his feet.

So Jungkook was waiting for me.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't delighted at the fact that the younger was finally talking to him. It's been days since they've conversed-and Jimin knew exactly why.

He wasn't going to let his enemy win this round even if it meant playing along with whatever Jungkook was planning.

The hyung smiled before glancing back up to catch the taller's eye.

"Want some ramen?"

Acting all innocent huh? Cute.

"Mmm I don't see why not."

Jimin nearly moaned at the sight before him-it was a complete masterpiece.

Jungkook had stood up, eyes beaming at the elder's reaction. His prominent muscles purposely flexing had Jimin mentally salivating.

The man was a virtual image of ancient Greek fantasies, a herculean figure of immense strength that showed in each strand of muscle and sinewy. A god-like physique perfectly molded into a man-complimented with a face to die for.

A sensation of erotical excitement trickledown Jimin's much smaller frame. If it weren't for his egotistical pride, he would have definitely been on his knees with his mouth wide open-waiting for Jungkook's cock.

" Where did Hobie hyung go?" Jimin quietly asked, quickly glancing at Jungkook's abs for what seemed to be the hundredth time in the past five minutes. They made his little perverted mind wander off to places he did not want to go in the moment...for obvious reasons.

The two enemies were now in the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil.

" Bed." The younger blandy responded. He was leaning against the sink, his brawny arms folded at his chest.

It was incredibly awkward for Jimin yet Jungkook loved every bit of the silence. He loved the way the shorter stood-his body noticeably quivering. The way Jimin turned his head to the side to avert his gaze from Jungkook each time he glanced back at him, made the man want to devour the hyung.

To Jungkook, Jimin was looking as beautiful and arousing as the enchanting moon-restlessly beaming over a starry night. He had a pair of knitted eyebrows that looked down on sweeping eyelashes. His delicate ears framed his button nose.
His cheeks-kissed pink like a spring rose, the blooming color so cute against his smooth skin. His lips; those soft given lips only captivated Jungkook's vast lust-filled desire. The man-chimerical-envisioned his cock being taken by those precious lips owned by his enemy.

It was a pleasure to see the shorter, shyly flowing, leaf-brown hair fixed over his forehead. He wore simple clothing. Loose moon-shadowed hoodie and black sweats wrapped around to what the younger knew to be a breathtaking body. His enticing aroma deliciously burned Jungkook's nostrils.

Fuck, how he craved Jimin.

It wasn't long before Jungkook caught the elder peeking at his torso again. It wasn't bothersome -in fact, he had been anticipating Jimin's eyes on him. It was the perfect opportunity to tease the man.

"Like what you see?"

Jimin's weary breath hitched at Jungkook's sudden question-hastily moving his eyes to the floor. The deep, assertive voice pierced his body with thousands of tranquilizing darts making him halt; stand dead frozen.

Oh, fucking absolutely yes, daddy


Jungkook's cocky smirk quickly died down as Jimin's lips simpered-his gaze, now staring deep into Jungkook's rigid eyes in such a mischievous manner.

Well that's one way to trigger Jungkook. Ha. Im going to win this

Jungkook was stunned at Jimin's unexpected outburst yet, it only made him want to play with the man even more and break his overly confident persona he significantly hated.

Hmm...would he lie this time?


Jungkook unfolded his arms. His body no longer leaned on the sink; full attention acquired by the smirking hyung in front of him.

With each step he took towards Jimin, the elder's heart began to beat faster. He could feel it-every single pound in his chest. It echoed through his burning ears; drowning out the sounds of their steady breaths. His smirk; long gone.

" For someone who hates when people lie, you sure like to lie a lot Park Jimin."

Jimin was caved under Jungkook's arm. His petite frame; pressed against the metal refrigerator-posture hunched in complete submission to the younger. The lack of eye contact and falling of the head indicated the termination of his rather arrogant persona.

Jungkook held his head high, eyes gleaming down to the man under him. In a swift motion, he latched his finger under Jimin's chin, forcing the smaller to look up at him.

A smirk arose on his thin lips.

" Isn't that right princess?"

The air was so brittle it could almost snap.

Jimin's knees began to quiver in luscious arousal-his hormones demanded to give in but his mind warned him that this will imply submission to Jungkook's domination; he couldn't let that happen.

He batted his eyelashes at the taller, comprehensively coy at the uneasy expression formed by the younger. His small hands hesitantly made contact with Jungkook's abs-feeling the muscles strain under his grasp. Gentle fingers trailed from his six pack; grazing every bump of god-like muscular flesh-up to his shoulders before securing his arms around his thick neck.

ba-boom ba-boom

Sorry Jungkook, I'm going to win

"Well for someone who full-heartedly hates me, you sure do like to touch me. Isn't that right daddy?"

Jungkook was astounded by Jimin's comeback and touch. His own arms drifted to Jimin's slender waist, pulling the hyung's small body to his bare chest-chiseled to perfection.
Bodies sharing sensual heat.
Their faces, only a few centimeters apart.

He craved for Jimin's soft lilac-like lips.

"Fuck you Park Jimin."

Jimin glanced at Jungkook's parted lips, swiftly getting on his tippy toes. Both of their mingled breaths were shaking. The tension was immaculate.

There was no going back now.

"Please fucking do."

And with that, Jimin crushed his lips against Jungkook's, covering the man's agape mouth with a hungry kiss.


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