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Jin was livid to say the least. Nearly fainting the second his eyes landed on Taehyung, who had just entered the kitchen; sleep still contained his swollen eyes. 

"Good morning hyung-

"Don't 'gOOd MorniNg hYunG' me! What the fuck happened to your face!!?!?"  The elder quickly the placed bottle of oil down on the counter, feet instinctively racing towards the twenty-five year old --studying the bruises and cuts.


"I ugh...yesterday..." Taehyung was cetainttly fully awake now, wincing at Jin's tender fingers firmly against his busted lip. His usual deep voice strained with anxiety—wanting nothing but to evaporate in thin air that instant.

He took a moment, eyes trailing from the floor to the elder's concerned features—contemplating whether he should make up an excuse or tell the truth.

What was there to lose anyways?


"Try to say one word about them and I'll make you regret ever opening your fucking mouth Taehyung-ah."

Absolutely nothing.

"Yesterday, Jungkook and I fought."

"What ?!?"


The elder did not give Taehyung the opportunity to even utter a response before he was already angrily stomping out of the kitchen, to the direction of the maknae's bedroom.

A loud gasp immediately liberated from his lips once he slammed the bedroom door open. Shock was definitely an understatement as to what he felt deriving inside him.

With every part of his body and mind convulsing in reaction to the scene in front of him—there Jin stood. He was frozen in the same position he barged in; hand gripping the door knob as if his whole life depended on it. Mouth parted in bewilderment, eyes gawking...
Staring at the man who looked just as shocked and confused as he was; frame slouched, sitting on the edge of the bed.

It was Jimin and next to him was a sleeping Jungkook.

"H-hi hyung."

Well shit

"Just wait till Namjoon comes back. He's going to be pissed."

After Jimin poorly succeeded in convincing the hyung that he had no memory whatsoever of getting on Jungkook's bed last night—Jin, with all his might and contained anger, dragged the sleeping Jungkook out of bed.

"Where is he?"

They were now all waiting for the leader to arrive, sitting eagerly in the living room. Jimin and Jungkook rested on one couch, being discreetly observed by both Yoongi and Taehyung. Hoseok was sleeping, head resting on Jin's shoulder—drained; exhausted by the fun night.

"Probably a hotel room. You know him."

"He's one lucky man. I can never manage to get laid." Taehyung sighed, running his hand through his slick blond hair.

If he were being honest, he still felt resentful, bitter almost towards Jungkook but he knew it was not an appropriate time to confront the man. Even if each time they made undesired eye contact, the younger's gaze turned deadly.

He knew it was best to just let it go. For the sake of his best friend at least.

"That's because you are so picky. Literally no girl fits your standards."

Jin retorted, playfully throwing a pillow at Taehyung's head.

"Yah! Says the one who thinks he's too handsome to let models get in his pants!"

"That's not true! I'm waiting till marriage and also I prefer a beautiful personality not just looks unlike someone!"

"Pussy is pussy, it has no personality just taste."


"Why are you guys yelling? It's too damn early for this!" Yoongi complained, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Jimin was so intrigued by the bickering that he failed to notice two—doe eyes staring at him in reverence. The way his thick, rosy lips spread into such a beautiful smile, small eyes forming into slits; the scarce evidence of his prior drunken state dusting his cheeks with a sweet, alluring crimson; chestnut hair gently falling on his forehead—all had Jungkook captivated. Left memorized, exerting a compelling sentiment of adoration and intimacy.

Every detail on Jimin made his heart beat into a melody of amity like the strings of a guitar—synchronizing to perfection.

These feelings...they were not acceptable.

"I really need to get laid too. It's been a while since my cheeks have been clapped." Jimin added onto the conversation, deliberately pouting—eyes swiftly glancing at the man next to him.

A while my ass

His confession was unexpected, leaving everyone in the living room along with a "sleeping" Hoseok cocking their attention towards him. He had never been open about his sex life due to Taehyung's request of keeping his homosexual activities on the low but now, we'll since yesterday, thanks to Jungkook—Jimin felt the uncertainty vanish from within him. He finally wanted to be comfortable and acknowledge who he was even if it made Taehyung uneasy.

In simpler words; Jimin did not give two fucks anymore.

"What? Why are you guys staring at me like that?"

"Um" Jin was the first to speak, clearly his throat that felt awfully dry.

"I have a question."

"Ask away hyungie."

Jin was inquisitive more than anything. He had always wondered how homosexual idols have relationships and one-night stands without the media noticing or getting caught.

"How do you go about getting laid? Like do you use an app or like to have a groupchat? Cafe room? I'm sorry, I just always wondered."

Jimin couldn't help but let out a chuckle, petite body suddenly leaning on Jungkook's shoulder—causing the younger to tense, breath hitching.

"Well for most of us, we usually take advantage of award shows to exchange phone numbers. Fans find it sweet that we could potentially be "friends" behind cameras."

"But how do you know if they are gay?"

"Usually after texting. Also I could just tell. A gay can always point out another gay, it's like our sixth sense."

Surprisingly, the room was calm—as if the rest of the members were also equally as curious as the elder. Taehyung for the first time, didn't cringe at the mention of homosexuality—desiring to know more about his friends personal life; something he had purposely been trying to avoid for years.

"That's so cool!" Hoseok abruptly spoke, sitting up on the couch before stretching his strained limbs.

Jimin's ecstatic gaze converted devious—subtly insinuating the Jungkook and their secret affair.
The man's own gaping eyes were now formed into a dark scowl, thin lips fixated as a sly—lascivious sneer.

"Yeah, you'd be surprised how many idols want a piece of my ass."

The two rivals stared at each other intently, the thick tension between them augmented—enveloping the hyungs with a feeling of disconcerting.

Isn't that right jungkookie ?

Want? I'll show you who all that ass belongs to,
Park Jimin.


Author's note

Gawh hope you enjoyed!

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