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"I-it hurts hyung! Go a bit slower."

"mmm like this?"

"Ahh yes! Just like that."

I fucking hate this

He really did hate it. It wasn't because he was jealous or anything like that; but the scenery in front of him did irritate him...a lot.

There he sat, big doe eyes ruthlessly glaring at the pair on the couch who were being—in Jungkook's opinion, a bit too touchy for his liking.

For a mere second he even questioned if it was Jimin's revenge for what happened in the kitchen earlier that day.

No doubt about it. That little shit

He was attentive. His leg, vigorously bouncing against the living room's floor in rhythm with his own heartbeat. Oh how he wanted to look away.

Yet, he couldn't.

With every sigh and moan that escaped his parted lips, Jimin found himself averting his gaze towards the younger. Even a child could tell Jungkook was in clear discomfort.

I fucking love this

Jimin was having the best time of his life, provoking the maknae. Each time their eyes met, sensuous shivers ran down his spine.

Jungkook looked as if he were about to pounce on him any second now. He was sitting on the edge; musclebound arms firmly clenching the ends of the couch. The set of dark, baleful eyes—flared at the smaller for a brisk moment before trailing down to the man next to him.

Poor innocent Hoseok hyung was unaware of the bitter-sweet tension between the enemies. He just wanted to give Jimin the leg massage he promised.

The raven haired man knew he shouldn't be feeling animosity towards Hoseok. The hyung was basically a victim of Jimin's wicked intentions. However, Jungkook couldn't control himself. He was livid.

It was the way Hoseok touched his enemy—with such affection. The way his hands were placed on the toned leg; fingertips gently massaging the bare flesh. Not one spot of his leg was left unattended by the hyung's skillful touch.

"Jiminie your legs used to be just like Jungkookie's! Now they're like...a girls! Hahah! And they are also so smooth! Wah really what happened?"

He became my bitch

A light blush crept up Jimin's cheeks—content with what he hoped to be a compliment.

"T-thanks Hobie." He softly spoke, shyly putting a short strand of his hazel hair behind his ear.

Hoseok stood frozen, dumbfounded by the adorable gratitude.

"It really wasn't a comp-oh whatever! You're welcome dude!"

The hyung turned to look at Jungkook, suddenly gasping the second his eyes landed on the maknae.

"Woah You scared me! Why are you looking at me like that ?!?" He was now standing, hand over his chest—the other, pointing at Jungkook.

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