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Not at y'all wanting Vminkook to have a threesome 💀💀
Y'all some freakies lmaoo

Oh and I also wrote this rn at 3 am and I'm half asleep so :)

Anywayss let's continue ~


"Try putting a hand on him again. I dare you, hyung."

Jungkook's low voice was monotonous—penetrating Jimin's ear in a light bliss, causing the elder to gasp. He was unable to properly register what had happened.

"What the fuck Jungkook?!"

The blond was in utter shock, feeling a warm stream of blood surge from his busted lip and its taste of copper seep inside his mouth. He had never imagined he would be punched by the same man he was sticking out for, but there Taehynug was, on the floor—wide eyes gawking at a scowling Jungkook.

Rage thrummed through his veins in an instant; he was now running on pure fury. With clenched fist turning a daunting pale, Tae got on his feet—glaring at the younger in front of him.

Without a second thought, he aggressively pushed Jungkook abruptly delivering a heavy blow straight to the man's face.

Well, that was what he expected to happen.

Jungkook was far too familiar with the current situation thanks to his excessive training. Before the elder managed to punch him, he bent down and tightly wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist—forcefully tackling the man.

The hyung fell to the floor with one blaring sharp-thud making Jimin wince to the sound. The smaller had been watching the pair from the wall unable to make a sound let alone move. His hand clapped over his mouth, tears trailing down his florid cheeks.

Please stop this

It seemed as if the two were in a violent wrestling match—towering over each other's damaged frames, bearing fruitful punches; adrenaline coursing through every bit of their convulsing bodies.


Jimin had finally built up enough courage to stop the two men, running towards them in the heat of the moment. His heart beat at rapid speed, yet his legs couldn't halt—he was going to risk it all.

In a courageous—swift movement, the smaller gripped Taehyung's shoulders and with all his strength, pushing the man off of Jungkook.

There Jimin stood; in-between his two bandmates, back turned to Taehyung with both his arms expanded. Solemn—intense eyes glaring at Jungkook who was laying on the floor breathing heavily, looking right back at him through his damp hair.

Although the younger was bleeding, it was not even half as bad as the man behind Jimin. Taehyung was on the verge of passing out—head hanging low as he panted. Beads of blood falling from his nose, eyebrow and mouth down to the vinyl floor.

Jungkook stood up, scoffing at Jimin.

"Why are you trying to protect him? He deserves getting his ass kicked."

He watched the way Jimin's teary eyes softened at his comment, breath hitching and arms hesitantly going limp. It was just for a sweet-brisk moment before the shorter was once again darting his eyes towards him with obvious determination, his frail body stiffening.

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