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"Hyung you felt it too?!? See Hobie hyung I'm not crazy! It was an earthquake!"

"Tae, we haven't had an earthquake since 2017 and even if we did it would be all over the ne- Yoooo Jimin! Wait why are you walking like that?"

"Hm?......oh Good morning Hobie Hyung."

"Jimin-ah you didn't answer my question!" Hobie loudly complained before stuffing his face with food.

Jimin glanced up at the hyung in-front of him. His eyes were like marbles, glossy under the kitchen light.

The short man was tired.

Who wouldn't be after a restless night, in the bathroom—poorly attempting to satisfy unholy and enticing needs, all thanks to a certain man.

A certain man Jimin was dreading to see.

How could he face Jungkook after what they did last night? Just the thought of the younger made Jimin want to crawl inside a hole and never come out. Not only that, he was still salty at the fact that Jungkook shamelessly kicked him out.

I'm a literal fucking idiot


His thoughts were interrupted by the hyung who has been on his ass ever since he entered the kitchen. He noticed the three members strangely staring at him, but he decided to ignore it.

That was, until the hyung he knew to be eager for answers, questioned him. Jimin tried to ignore him, yet Hoseok is Hoseok; a curious inquirer at heart.

"Yes, Hyung?"

Jimin slurred with a hint of annoyance in his voice. He noticed the hyung's worried expression.

" Why were you limping?"

The innocent question fallen from his probing mouth was venom to Jimin. Heart suddenly pounding profusely against his chest. His hands—now sweating began to slightly shake.

He absolutely hated lying. Especially to his dear roommate.

But he had to.

There was no way he could openly say that Jungkook fucked him so good it nearly left him, in the lack of a better term; crippled.

If it weren't for the painkillers he took the minute he woke up, Jimin would have definitely not been able to walk today...or for the rest of the week that is.

Fuck you Jungkook

" I uh-"

His throat was feeling dry, gaze leaving Hoseok's. The younger looked around the room—analyzing his surroundings.

It was just him, Hoseok, Jin, and Taehyung in the kitchen. That to which the eldest of the four was busy cooking, minding no business to their conversation. On the other hand, Jimin quickly glanced at the man next to him.

His eyes were piercing him with deep concentration—awaiting for Jimin's response.

He too, was curious as to why his best friend was limping. Furthermore, he was intrigued—eager to know as to why Jimin had a large, rose colored mark on his neck.

Jimin swiftly looked away from Taehyung feeling less at ease. If he wasn't there, the smaller could easily make up a stupid excuse, certain that Hoseok would buy it. Yet, it wouldn't be so simple with Taehyung.

Think of something you idiot!

" I uh...fell while I was getting ramen yesterday and I hurt my knee."

I'm a fucking genius!

"Aww that sucks! Does it still hurt? I can massage it once we are done eating if you want." Hobie pouted, ruffling Jimin's recent, washed hair.

The younger smiled nodding at his hyung's kind proposal.

I'm sorry Hobie Hyung please forgive me!!

As he took a big bite of his rice, Jimin failed to notice those same eyes still staring at him. Beaming—assessing every detail of the strange mark on the side of his neck. It seemed as if he tried to cover it with his hoodie.

Taehyung's hand moved on it's own, slowly reaching towards his friend's neck. The second his long-slender fingers grazed the soft flesh, Jimin cocked his head towards his direction.

A mixture of confusion and astonishment sprawled across his tired face.

Taehyung glanced at his widened eyes before trailing back down to the mark.

Was it a hickey?

"What's on your neck Jimin?"

If he thought Hoseok's question was venom, Taehyung's was like a fucking bullet straight to his heart.

The same feeling of adrenaline rushed through his sore body once again like a roaring wave of nerves. He felt like throwing up, yet, he couldn't even look away from his best friend.

Jimin was frozen. Unable to move or stutter out a word.

How will he make up an excuse for the hickey?!?

Fuck you Jungkook! I hate you and your damn talented mouth!


Taehyung asked again. His eyebrows delicately knitted together. Fingers still gently pressed against the mark.


Finally, Jimin managed to speak—still trying to figure out a believable cause for the mark.

None to which appeared on his mind.

"I uh—

I'm going to die

As if on cue, a deep voice intervened the tension between the members.

"I gave it to him."


Author's Note

Short Chapter but another update is coming soon~

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