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"Yah Jimin wake your ass up. '' Taehyung sighed, vigorously shaking his best friend's sleeping body with his foot.

It was 11 a.m and the only two members dead asleep were the enemies.

" Taehyung go wake those two lazy asses up! I told everyone to wake up early today aghhh they never listen to me, never! " Jin cried out, angrily pointing the wooden stirring spoon at Tae.

"Ok hyung"

" Jimin wake up dude!" The agitated man was now on top of the smaller. This was not new to him, in actuality, it was Taehyung's daily routine to wake his friend up.

Jimin always managed to sleep in but he had Jungkook to wake up as well—and the last thing Taehung wanted was to get scolded by Jin.

" mmmmm" Jimin unconsciously moaned at the sudden heavy weight on top of his slender body.

"Jimin-ah" Tae whispered into his best friend's ear. The vibrations of his deep morning voice sent shivers down the shorter's spine; small hairs on the back of his neck stood up.


Taehyung froze, darting his eyes towards Jimin; an expression of confusion sprawling across his handsome face.

Jimin had been drifting away from his slumber, his pretty eyes fluttering open.

Jungkook? Why would he say Jungkook? It's not like that coconut ever wakes him up.

"No stupid! Im Taehyung!!! T A E H Y U-agh whatever, come on wake up now!" Tae jumped off of Jimin expanding his arm towards his friend.

"Stop yelling and let me sleep!" Jimin complained pulling the pillow from below his head, weakly throwing it at Tae.

" I had enough with you." Before the smaller could protest, Tae stripped the comforter off of his body and swept him off the bed; throwing Jimin over his shoulder.

"Yah Kim Taehyung what are you doing ?!? Let me go!" Jimin attempted to wiggle away from him but his best friend remained unbothered.

Tae's hold around his bare milky-white thighs was tight and steady. There was no way Jimin could escape.

The taller began walking down the hall, towards a familiar room.

"Where are you taking m-" Jimin closed his mouth before he could even finish his sentence. His sleepy eyes were now wide awake.
He firmly clutched Taehyung's shoulders.

Taehyung had slammed open the door and walked inside the semi-cramped room—inducing a low groan from the male on the bed.

With every step Tae took approaching the black bed, the man on his shoulder stiffened more and more. Although Jimin was facing the door, he was well-aware what room they were in.

Screw you Taehyung

"Yah Jungkook wake up right now or else" Tae warned, glancing at the pair of smooth thighs next to him.

Or else what Taehyung? I swear if you do anything; Jimin thought, turning his head around to glare at the back of his friend's head.

With no response coming from the maknae, Tae abruptly threw Jimin on top of him, earning a light gasp from the smaller male. He landed right above the sleeping body.

Jimin laid frozen, staring at Taehyung with wide eyes.

A sly smile tugged at his thin lips.

Tae knew Jungkook would definitely wake up now.

Jungkook cocked his head up shamelessly darting his scary eyes at whoever was on of him. His glare turned soft as he saw Jimin's frightened facial features.

Well that's one pretty sight to wake up to.

Not to mention that the hyung's face was just inches away from Jungkook's.

"Well good morning Jimin-shii" Jungkook smiled at the man on top of him.
His morning voice; deep and husky.

Good morning to you too, daddy.

Jimin slowly turned his head, his wide eyes meeting Jungkook's smiling ones. Memories from last night flooded his head.

A deep crimson blush flushed his face.

" huh? " Tae was appropriately bewildered. He had been expecting Jungkook to throw Jimin off the bed and thus begin their bickering. Yet, there laid the two "supposed" enemies; smiling at each other, inches away from their faces touching,
the aura—amorous.

It nearly made Taehyung question their genuine "hateful" relationship.

"Why are you here?" Jungkook was now looking up at the awkward band mate.

He was irritated but not at Jimin; no he was irritated at the male standing next to him and Jimin.

He was irritated at Kim Taehyung.

"I- Jinnie hyung told me to wake you two up. Everyone is waiting for you guys!" Tae explained, clearly offended by Jungkook's attitude. Why was he mad at him?

Without hesitation, he grabbed Jimin's bicep with his hand, successfully pulling his best friend from the maknae.

"Let's go Jimin, you need to change" Tae took one last glance at Jungkook before walking towards the opened door.

There's something definitely going on with these two.

Something fishy.


// Author's Note//

Hehe just a short chapter but trust me it's important to the storyyy!!!

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