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"Good morning everyo- oh it's just you."  Jimin entered the kitchen, acknowledging the younger who was busy eating his breakfast.

It had been a couple of days since Jin confronted the enemies and to everyone's astonishment, the two actually listened to the hyung. As much as they wanted to come at each other's throats for merely glancing at one another, Jimin and Jungkook kept quiet.

Jimin tried his best to not instigate a fight with the bunny-tooth taller, but every time the younger said something, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and mimic the said man. Jungkook just acted like Jimin was non-existent, which he found to be incredibly easy. 

Jungkook paid zero attention to Jimin as the elder made his way to the kitchen counter.

It slightly irritated Jimin but at least it was better than Jungkook being belligerent towards him, he thought.

An awkward silence loomed over the kitchen. Jimin had just finished cooking his breakfast and was currently standing on the opposite side of the counter from Jungkook. He had been wondering where the rest of the members were.

He discreetly checked the time on his phone. It was exactly 10:30 am.

That's odd, he thought. The rest of the members should have most definitely been here eating breakfast with them. His train of thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the younger clearing his throat.

Jimin looked up from his phone to the man in front of him.

"They left." Despite Jungkook not wanting to converse with his hyung in the slightest, Namjoon asked him to tell Jimin they were heading out when the smaller male woke up.

"Where to?" 

Jungkook grunted, already agitated by Jimin.

"Why the hell would I know?" The maknae responded, a tone of irritation in his stern deep voice. He averted his eyes from his half-eaten fried egg to the man in front of him. An expression of bewilderment crept up jimin's face. Jungkook insignificantly smirked at the elders reaction to his annoyance.

"Damn what's with the attitude? I was just asking where they went." Jimin scoffed at the younger. He really didn't want to fight with Jungkook, not after he pinky promised Jin hyung.

"Look, I promised Jin I wouldn't fight with you anymore, so stop before I lose my patience with you, Jungkook." Jimin kept his gaze aligned with Jungkook's deep brown eyes. Unbearable tension of enmity built up between the two.

"It was you who started it, idiot." Jungkook took another bite of his egg, not letting go of Jimin's eyes.

Jimin couldn't believe what was coming out of the maknaes smirking lips.

Not only was Jungkook belittling Jimin by calling him an idiot, he was also lying. Everyone knew, even the enemy himself knew that Jimin undoubtedly despised liars.

Abruptly, the short male reached over the counter and was about to slap Jungkook but was stopped by a much-larger hand grabbing him. With daring eyes that grew wider by the second, Jungkook got a hold of his hyung's small wrist.

Jimin was absolutely dumbfounded, standing frozen in place. He was left incompetent in front of Jungkook. 

The hyung was too busy contemplating whether to try to hit Jungkook again, failing to notice Jungkook standing up from the counter's chair—until the certain brown haired boy felt the maknae's rhythmic breath inches away from his face.

Jimin lowered his eyes, avoiding the taller's eery glare. He couldn't bring himself to look up at Jungkook. It was as if the black-haired man had Jimin entirely under his control; demanding the smaller to submit to him.

"What a nice, pretty face you have Jimin." Jungkook muttered just loudly enough for his enemy to hear.

The emphasis of his husky voice was enough for Jimin to look back up at Jungkook, astounded by his choice of words. The elder didn't know how to react, let alone respond to the smirking man.

Was he being serious? Jimin thought.

"It would be prettier if it was shut like this all the time." With his free hand, Jungkook gently placed his finger on Jimin's smooth, tinted cheek, faintly sliding it down to his plumped agape lips.

Spontaneously, Jimin's breath hitched as a reactant to Jungkook's touch; sending shivers down his back, involuntarily.

The younger's frightening gaze drifted from Jimin's confounded eyes, down to his parted mouth.

His lips looked and felt extraordinarily soft, Jungkook thought.

He minutely traced the outline of Jimin's lips with his finger before slowly sliding it across his bottom lip earning a small, unconscious whimper from the shorter.

Jungkook's apparent smirk had died-down and was now back to its original state. His tight hold around the other's slender wrist, loosened.

He looked back up to Jimin's eyes who were still staring at him and frowned. The hyung's eyebrows were lifted, his wide eyes were now slanted staring deep into Jungkook, his flushed cheeks were radiating heat. Jimin looked so lewd and it disgusted the younger.

Loathingly, Jungkook harshly pinched Jimin's bottom lip, tugging at it causing the brown haired male to flinch and move away from him.

"YAH DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! THAT HURT, ASSHOLE!" Jimin yelled at Jungkook, holding his bottom lip.

Jungkook smiled a little, content at his swift action.

^^ ( The face JK is giving JM)

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^^ ( The face JK is giving JM)

The small hyung was about to attack Jungkook but was inhibited by the dorm's entrance door slamming wide open.

"GUYS WE'RE BACK!! HOPE YOU DIDN'T KILL EACH OTHER !!!!!" Taehyung's loud ass voice echoed throughout the dorm causing the two enemies to disperse from one another.

They made a promise to Jin hyung and were not about to let the elder see them in the state they were both in.

Even though that state was not anger towards one another, disregarding their small dispute. No, the state the two enemies were in was an immense state  of lust and confusion.


//Authors note//

So I changed a lot of things from the original because I personally thought the ff was going too fast and I wanted to slow it down and not make it THAT smutty....yet. Soo yeahhh

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