💦Day 2: At The Lake💦

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Good Morning people! ^^

Question: What's your #1 favorite Lander fanfiction? (It can be a chapter book or oneshot)
My answer:My favorite so far is Blocked Away by: izabellbee
Because that book..IS AMAZING!!! And izabellbee if you're reading tis I just want to say that you're amazing (Also check it out and check her out, you'll love it ;)

But..like..in all honesty XD
Everytime I pick a favorite it always ends up being my equal-favorite--
Everyones Lander fanfiction are amazing--

Today, the grape haired boy decided to take Luke on a date. Yes. It was Zander who asked and not Luke this time. The autumn boy thought it was odd; but little did he know Zander was just planning the best.

Since it was Feburary 2, and it was almost their wedding day, the purple haired boy decided to take Luke on a romantic date at Lander Lake where they used to take a date. The spaghetti there was delicious!

Since it was work day for Luke, Zander decided it was best to cancel the date; but Luke insisted; and now here they are.

The sunset was about to go down, the sky was a mix of autumn orange and a sky of purple clouds. When they luked at the lake, it was reflexing the skies. Some birds were about to fly to their home and their loved ones, the purple haired boy and his boyfriend sat in the surface of the lake. They sat with a blanket and spagetti.

"Luke..?" Zander said suddenly, but facing the lake.


"I'm sorry for taking you to this date.." the purple haired boy sighed. Luke raised a brow.

"What do you mean?"

"You were working so hard..and I was just.." Zander looked down. "I took it away from you and now you want to go on this date, even if you're tired and you need to rest at home.."

The autumn haired boy with one hand, held Zander's cheek and made the purple obre man face his boyfriend. Luke smiled sweetly and he kissed Zander's forehead. "Nothing is better than spending time with you, Zander. Even when I'm tired. I love you forever .." he chuckled once he said the last sentence.

"Me too, Luke. Me too.." Zander's eyes soon started to water; he sobbed to Luke's chest. "I'm so lucky to have you.."

"No, I'm also lucky to have you.." Luke gently kissed his boyfriend on the forehead.

I promise to love you..

Also I almost forgot to publish this early in the morning-- XD
See you all soon~

Hope you enjoyed! ♡

💕Lander Month BOOK: 2!💕 A Music Freaks FanficWhere stories live. Discover now