🥬 Day 25: At the Resteraunt 🍝

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Anybody wants a mom's Spagetti? :D
Stacy's mom's spagetti-- 😂

Spoilers: Henriam
Enjoy ^^:

"Liam, I told you about a billion times my mom isn't here.." a periwinkle lady sighed, holding a menu for the two dating boys, Henry and Liam.

The brunette boy groaned, putting a hand on his cheek; looking up the ceiling. Meanwhile his boyfriend, Henry grunted, desperately waiting for the lettuce.

Meanwhile, Stacy was working by herself; a full-time job at a resteraunt called, "Stacy's Mamamia".  Unfortunately for her, her finacè was away with his best friend Jake from Statefarm; fixing Jake's computer screen. And, her mom was away because she knows Liam and Henry were going to the resteraunt. As a matter of fact, the two come almost everyday because of the lettuces and the pizza. And the fact that Stacy's Mamamia is a serving high quality resteraunt with something unique every single week because the one and only spaghetti cook: Stacy was running the place!

The navy blue haired girl sighed as she prepared the lettuce salad for the human rabbit. All of a sudden, she heard the resteraunt door open.

"I guess..this is the place?" She heard a familiar voice; once she went out of the kitchen, she saw the one and only Luke and Zander standing at the doorway holding hands.

Stacy's eye widen and she gave sighed of relief to herself. At least they're here..that way I won't have to be alone with Henry and Liam..
"Luke! Zander! Welcome to Stacy's Mamami--AH-" once the blue haired girl ran to greet them, she suddenly lost her balance and fell to her knees.

"Wo- Stacy are you okay?" The auburn haired man helped the blue haired girl up like he did from epi--I mean years ago. The European man just crossed his arms; trying not to get jealous easily.

Once the two got up, Stacy grunted. "Stupid clumsiness.." she sighed deeply before turning back to the couple, "anyway, what brings you here?"

"Oh, well, I was just taking Zander here on a date. I didn't know you'd be working here though.." Luke put a hand on his head and chuckled awkwardly. "So, where's Drew?"

"He's on a 'date' with Jake," Stacy said, making quote marks with her fingers. Zander laughed suddenly, but suddenly stopped when he heard two familiar voices.

"Hey, music freaks!" Stacy, Zander, and Luke turned to see the two men Henry and Liam staring at them.

"Oh brother.." the perwinkle eyed girl face-palmed as she forgot about the two boys sitting at her resteraunt.

"Come sit with us, you two!" Liam said.

Zander glared furiously at them; he still wasn't gonna forgive them for being idiots in highschool. "We are not sitting next to them." The European man crossed his arms.

Luke looked at his Zander and sighed. "Maybe..just this once?" He whispered gently to his ear. "For me? And..for them to stop."

Zander exasperated. "Fine.."

Liam and Henry's eyes brighten and saved seats for Luke and Zander. Henry sat beside Liam on one side and Luke and Zander sat beside another. Then, lettuce boy slowly put his head on Liam's shoulder; still waiting for the lettuce.

"Alright." Stacy sighed, about to write down Luke and Zander's orders. "What would you like?"

"Pizza sounds nice." Luke smiles, then turned to Zander. "What about you, hun?"

"Salad..and grape juice." Once Henry heard Zander say 'salad', his lime eyes suddenly shot wide. (If he even has lime eyes-)

Stacy smiled and wrote the couple's order, afterwards she went straight to the kitchen to prepare the two couple's meals.

"So, gay boy, pan boy, I heard there's a wedding coming up next month." Liam smirked. Zander rolled his eyes at the name the blood-haired eyed boy gave him.

Luke nodded, intwining his fingers to Zander's, trying to make him calm down.

After a few more minutes, Stacy has prepared the meal for the two couples; trying her best to fall down and drop all the meals again.

It wasn't before Henry dug into the lettuce and felt heaven waiting for him just what he was eating right in front of him. Fortunately for Stacy and Liam, they were used to it; Luke and Zander however were trying not to give in to Henry's distrubing lettuce fantasies and enjoy their meals served for them.

"Soooo.." Liam laughed awkwardly. "Can we be invited to the wedding?"

Zander almost choked on his lettuce he was eating when he heard those words. He turned to Luke who shrugged his shoulders.

"We'll...think about it."

Out of all days we spent this month..
This was overal the weirdest..

This is the most weirdest part of Lander month..
Ever. ;-;
I am so sorry ;w;

Also..Should Henry and Liam be invited to the wedding 😂? I dunno if I should add them--

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed and sorry for the weird day! See you tomorrow-- UwU

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