🧡🥞Day 16: Luke's Pancakes🥞🧡

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Happy International Pancakes day~ 🥞

Sorry for publishing this late because 1. This was last minute ;-;
And 2. It's S C H O O L day too XD so expect this to have so many grammer and spelling mistakes--

Anyway, enjoy:

Zander got up from bed in the early morning. He was about to be ready for work in about 45 minutes and Luke was already awake; surprises, surprises.

Zander prepared his usual pastel purple shirt with a collar and black suspenders with a black belt, and black jeans. He put on a purple tie and rolled up his shirt like always; ready for work. The obre man looked at himself in the mirror and sprayed some men perfume on him.

Once he was ready, the obre-haired boy walked to the kitchen to see a happy Luke standing proudly carrying a pan with a pancake laying on top of it.

"Luke, I told you not to get up so early," Zander said, walking towards his to-be husband, giving him a peck on the cheek. Luke's face turned pink and he smiled warmly.

"Well, I wanted to prepare these pancakes especially for you, sweetie."

Zander looked away, blushing.

"Also, Happy International Pancakes day~" Luke said as he flipped the pancake. It smelled devine; Zander could already tell these pancakes were made by the best ingredient ever:


The purple man smiled slightly. Luke put the pancakes into a plate and the two both went to the dining table so Zander can prepare his coffee. (Zoffee? Hehe XD sorry-)

Luke got the pancake syrup and put some on his finacè's and his own. He also put some grapes for Zander's and some peanut butter for himself.

Once Zander was done with his coffee, he sat down onto the dining chair with his man. The obre boy picked up a fork and he ate his pancake Luke gave him and his eyes widen on how miraculously delicious it was!

"Do you like them?" Luke smiled.

Zander closed his eyes in awe and nodded his head slowly. He gently opened them.

"Speaking of pancakes, can we go see how Peanut Butter is doing?"

"Sure, sweetheart." Luke took out his phone and went to the call ID: Sean and put the volume into loud speaker.


"Sean, how are you and Peanut Butter doing?" Luke asked through the phone.

"Oh..don't tell Zander this but I actually let Milly handle with him-"

Zander spilled his coffee and yelled. "SEAN, I TRUSTED YOU!"

"S-Sorry, man! I had a good reason though! Also, Milly is actually handling with him well. I let Milly take Peanut Butter to her house--"

"You did what!?"

"And, I had a good reason! You see-"

"Sorry, Sean. I'm hanging you up. I need to see how my Peanut Butter is doing!" Zander grabbed his finacè's phone and dialed the pink haired devil's number.

I thought I was your peanut butter- Luke said to himself confused and somewhat jealous.

Milly finally answered:

"'Ey Luke-"

"Milly! Where is Peanut Butter?!" Zander interrupted.

"Oh, Zander! He's doing well. His aunt Milly is taking care of him and everything is fine!" Zander can feel Milly wink at him; but in the background, he could hear Milly's to-be fiancè Elliot yell:

"Sweetheart! Zander's puppy is messing up my roses again!"

Milly chuckled nervously. "I gotta go now my future finacè needs me."

"Milly no-"

The pink haired devil hung up and phone before Zander could say another word. Zander groaned and he grabbed his backpack without finishing his breakfast. "Luke, I think I'm gonna go a little early today."

The auburn man looked down, then back at his to-be husband. He stood up and grabbed Zander's hands. "Okay, my love. Just come home early, okay?"

The purple haired man smiled warmly. "Okay, baby.." the two paused for a minute. "Also, did I forget anything?"

Luke smirked. "Yeah you did." The scarf man grabbed Zander's waist and pulled him into a passionate; yet soft and tender kiss.

Once they pull away; Zander smiled slightly heading out the door. "Happy Pancake Day..or whatever. Love you~"

Luke chuckled and did a flying kiss in return.

"Love you too~!"

That was R U S H E D!!
I normally don't publish at this time so I'm sorry for that but at least I published this just in time UwU it's still evening--

Also confession: I was suppost to work on this a little earlier but I just saw this hour of Just Monika thing and spent doing it for an hour instead of this and now I'm disappointed and proud I guess? XD

Nevertheless, hope you enjoyed~

And Happy Pancakes Day I Luke you all~ *does a flying kiss*
bai~ XD

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