🕺Day 4: Dancing with you~🕺

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I hope you enjoy Day: 4 ^^

Luckily and fortunately Luke didn't have work today and it's just the right timing because Jake was inviting everyone to his house for a karaoke dance party. And of course Zander denied it..he didn't want anything to do with the simp, but (as always), Luke convinced the grape man to come.

Zander and Luke already arrived and Zander and Hailey were preparing baking some cookies for the dance. Meanwhile, Luke and Jake were talking about musical stuff and the wedding.

The peachy simp skipped to his teal friend and the grape man, he whispered into his ear. "Ey..Zandy, this could be a chance for you and Luke to practice dancing together for your wedding.." Zander looked at him and his face turned a light pink. He slowly turned to face Luke and the autumn boy waved lightly smiling at his future husband. Zander looked back at Jake who was smirking and crossing his arms at the grape lord. The purple haired boy was just scared of the lines Rosy sent on her discord server probably a week ag-
I mean just dancing with Luke.

"I..am not a good dancer thank you very much.." Zander said, trying to be the usual sour Zander Jake knew. The peachy boy sighed.

"Yeah, well..goodluck on your waltzing..I'll be teaching you," Zander raised a brow at his simp "friend".

The living room door suddenly opened violently and there was the pink haired devil, her boyfriend, a black haired DJ and his wife. "Who's ready to partaaay!?" Milly yelled, using her arms pretending she had her guitar.

"Oh yeah, I so am!" Jake ran up to Milly and they did their special hand-clap like they were siblings.

Daisy, Sean, and Elliot sat next to Luke while Jake was talking to Milly about their awesome lives and what they were doing recently.

Zander tapped Hailey shoulders lightly. "Hailey..?"

"Yeah?" His stepsister said, putting the cookies into the oven.

"I'm...nervous for the wedding.." Zander put a hand on his arm. "I bet Luke is gonna give me a huge surprise and I'm just gonna thank him like I always do.." he sighed once he said those words. "I want it to be the other way around.."

Hailey suddenly chucked softly. "Well, try dancing with him. Give him the best flowers and a gift, and tell him the best compliment without getting completely flustered," Hailey thought. "Or maybe pin him against the wall because I'm pretty sure the readers would love to see that."

Zander sighed. Guess I'll have to practice dancing..


In a few more hours, Milly was whining to Zander about when the wedding will be and what he was gonna give to Luke. "Zanderrrr, can you at least tell me everything!?"

"About a million times, Milly, it's a surprise!"

"Awww fine.." Milly groaned, then she looked at Elliot who stared at her lovingly. I wonder when he'll purpose to me.. Milly told herself. She looked down and her cheeks turned red in flusteredment.

"Oooo~ when's the wedding, Milly?" Zander teased, punching his friend's arm playfully.

"Hey!" The pink haired devil shouted, about to tackle Zander until Sean put on slow dance music. Zander could see Jake taking Hailey into the dance floor and Elliot walking up to Milly.

"H-Hey, Milly. Would you be honored to dance with me?" Milly couldn't speak, she just took Elliot's hand and nodded slowly. The garden boy giggled and put a rose on her girlfriend's hair, then took her straight to the dance floor.
Meanwhile, the grape man looked at Daisy who was begging Sean to dance with him and then Jake and Hailey.

The simp looked at Zander and winked at him; signaling Luke. The purple haired boy raised a brow, then looked at Luke who was staring at all the couples slow dancing to the music. The autumn haired boy knew Zander didn't know; and want to dance anyway, so he just stood there.

The purple haired boy sighed and gently tapped his to-be husband's shoulder. "Hey, Luke. May..I have this dance?"

Luke raised a brow. "But, Zander I thought--"

"Doesn't matter. Just dance with me?"

Luke smiled softly and took Zander's hand to slow dance to the music. Sean slowly danced to the DJ player and changed the music to, "The Day I met her" by: Esther Abrami. (Which you peeps might know about UwU)

Zander took Luke between his arms slowly dancing to the music. It was like those years ago in the month where they danced into the moonlight of music. They both missed those moments..

This time, Luke felt like he was on a cloud..Zander was dancing with him so smoothly and softly that the autumn man forgot their friends were even there.

"Do you--"

"Shhh.." Luke whispered, stopping their dance, putting his index finger on Zander's mouth. He slowly put it out and he pressed his lips against Zander's suddenly and slowly.

Zander's eyes widen and he slowly accepted the kiss.

Once they pulled away, Zander raised a brow. "Luke, what was that about?"

When Luke was back into reality he looked at all his friends staring at him smirking like they have been waiting for this moment to come years ago.

"S-Sorry..I just felt..um.."

Milly interrupted Luke by hugging both him and Zander miraculously "I'M SO EXCITED FOR THE WEDDING!!!"

To be with you in every season..

This is my favorite day so far ngl XD❤


This is so cheesy just like the original Lander Month ;w;

Anyway..I forgot to tell you all this yesterday but..
Did you see the Zander lines and the Jake lines in Rosy's server (was it a week ago?)
For Zander's lines..my reaction was just plain confusion XD
But for Jake..
My reaction was confusion AND rage. He saids his ex boyfriend is Drew? XD and he wants to seperate Luke and Zander so he can take Zander for himself? He saids all these "cute" things about Drew and Zander and honestly, how he describes them just made me fbskskndnsns i dunno how to describe it XD. (ESPECIALLY Drew..) O-o

I dunno if the Jake lines and the Zander lines are canon because Rosy said, "it's for us to know but for you to find out" but honestly..
(I think it'll be very interesting if that happens 👀)

What do you think?

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this "spoiler" and this day. And I'll see you tomorrow! ^^


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