☁️Day 10: Sweet Silly Skies☁️

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Sup people 😎

The purple haired boy sat on a black, circular tire swing next to his and his to-be husband's house. He luked into the millyexcilent light red, white clouds and the sweet, blue skies; staring off to space since he had nothing to do.

Zander swung the swings back and forth, slowly and groaned. "Bored. Bored. Bo-"

"Hey, sweetie."

The perwinkle eyes widen as he luked behind him to see his loved one staring at him, raising a brow but smiling curiously. The golden eyed boy chuckled. "Luke!"

"Did I scare you?"

Zander looked down awkwardly. "A little."

Luke laughed again; he sat right beside his future husband and looked up at the sky. The golden eyed boy's eyes stared directly to a single cloud and he chuckled. "That cloud over there looks like a heart."

Zander made a confused glance and saw the cloud Luke was pointing to. It was curved and the cloud was tint of perwinkle and orange; but mostly white. "Now clouds ships us too?"

Luke suddenly smirked and tied his dark red, black scarf to Zander and him; making their lips close. Luke smiled lightly; making the perwinkle boy cheek turn into a shade of pink and he looked away hesitantly; trying hard not to be a tsundere, but failing.

"Hey, darling, remember when we talked about that family thing before?"

Zander lightly nodded, swinging the tire swing back and forth again; trying not to make it awkward.

"After this wedding; 2 years or 3..we'll finally have a family. A daughter, a son. We'll have a cute puppy.. Just like what we were dreaming for years," Luke cupped Zander's cheek; it was warm and Zander leaned in to it smiling.

"I can't wait for that day.." Zander whispered to Luke.

And I'll try hesitate no more; I cannot wait..


The perwinkle boy looked at his future husband curiously. "Promise me something.."


"Promise me that I'm yours forever.."

Zander smiled lightly. Some tears started forming to his eyes but it didn't come out surprisingly.

"I promise.." the perwinkle man leaned his head against his future husband. "You can be my peanut butter to my jelly any day."

"Or everyday.." Luke chuckled, tickling Zander softly as the one in his arms started laughing lightly.

When Luke stopped, he cupped his future husband's cheek once more and kissed his forehead, his nose and his lips with little pecks.

"I love you, Zander."

"I love you, too.."

Zander leaned in to Luke for a nice, passionate kiss on the lips.

I'll keep you from better

I was racing like a chasing while writing this-- ;w;

( And I was listening to that mix of "I'm Yours" and "Perfect Two" while writing this and that's why there some few lyric quotes in there teehee🥺)

But hey at least this isn't cringe like before-

Also I watched season:5 of She-Ra and Im like... TEARING UP right now because my reaction is the same as the Lander confession ;-; MMMmmM--
Also Rosy's doing a face reveal >w< YEEP so excited!-

Alright! Gotta go fast!
See you on the next day~

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