❤Day 15: Heartfelt Visitors💜

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"Hey Adora~"
Oml sorry I've been watching She-Ra lately XD

Also how was your Valentines Day yesterday? 0w0

And who was your Valentine?

(Also this has Dracey in it- TwT enjoy~:

The perwinkle man and the golden eyed man decided to go on a date at Lander blvd. They didn't know why..but it was filled with a lot of purple and orange-brown houses. They were tall; and very luxurious to live onto. The weather was warm; and the sun was shining on their faces.

The two PB&J to-be husband's decided to go on the park there. "Drake Park."

Zander sat on the swings as he looked up at the trees. There were now very pinkish because of spring coming. Luke gently tapped his purple man's shoulder. "Hey, darling. I'm gonna get some icecream. I'll be right back."

Zander nodded. He absolutely loved the icecream in this street. It tasted absolutely delicious. The golden eyed boy smiled and kissed Zander on the lip and ran to get some icecream.

The periwinkle man swung the swings back and forth slowly, until a silhouette made his eyes widen. He knew that hair shadow.


"Hey Alex," the magenta haired man said. Putting his arm around a lady with a dark purple-blue ponytail and with periwinkle eyes; simular to Zander's.

"Hey, don't call me-" Zander stopped and his eyes widen. "Wait, Stacy, you're dating this guy!?"

The periwinkle lady chuckled softly and put her hands up to the purple obre man. It showed a shiny silver ring with a diamond. It looked expensive; which was not really surprising since Drew is basically a rich man.

"It didn't really work out with Zoey..and I need someone to hold on to so." Drew gently kissed Stacy's forehead as she chuckled softly. Zander kept his eye wide standing still. "We're engaged."

"I mean Jake still kind of bothers me and Drew because he words at State-" Stacy was cut off of Luke walking up to their direction.



They both said at the same time. It has been a long time since the whole.."kissing situation." In epis- I mean highschool. Even after all those moments; the two kind of got awkward about it. Even until now; Stacy has little feelings to Luke; but it's not a big crush like before. But you're already taken; nothing I can do. So I can only imagine how it is to be with you..

"Hey, Stacy. It's been a while," Luke said, giving his little icecream to his to-b-- I mean finacè.

The periwinkle girl nodded. (It feels weird me saying perwinkle girl instead of man ngl XD)

"So, Alex, how are you and your little finacè doing," Drew faced Luke and smirked.

"W-Well.." Zander looked down and his face turned light pink. "We're having a wedding at the end of the month. I don't know if Jake already told you that."

"Oh, yeah," Drew crossed his arms. "Henry told me he wanted to be a part of it. His boyfriend too."

How long as it been since highschool? Zander told himself; surprised that lettuce boy himself had a boyfriend.

"Hey, why don't we hang out in Drake Park. And see what he have missed out on. I think episode 5- I mean highschool.. was.." Luke looked up; trying to find the right word. "Unexpected.."

Stacy nodded and said, "yes! I missed seeing you..and Zander!"

Drew nodded. "Then let's go walk around, Alex."

"STOP. CALLING. ME. ALEX!!" The perwinkle man shouted as he chased after his frienemy.

This moment has been a little unexpected; but the best memories are the ones spent with your old "friends"..or enemies.. In elementary. In middle school. And especially in highschool.

Even the ones that were your enemies ones before.

For worst

I FiNALly added Stacy and Drew here in Lander Month ÒwÓ without- ..ahem..
Breaking the forth wall like last time-

Oh and you are probably wondering why Peanut Butter isn't in here..

Well here's an extra 😎:

"Good boy! Good boy!" The pink haired devil petted the dark brown puppy as he wagged his tale like a cute o'l dog. Milly threw the little ball one more time and Peanut Butter raced after it. "Fetch!"

"Oh my goodness! I can't believe Zander trusted me to take care of Peanut Butter!" Milly chimed, putting her hands on her chest.

A black haired man chuckled. "Uh..Milly, I am pretty sure Zander told me to keep Peanut Butter safe from you."

Milly chuckled hysterically and smiled confidently at her big friend. "No he didn't.."

Once Peanut Butter came back with the ball, Milly and Sean all of a sudden heard the bathroom door close and they saw Daisy with a wide smiling surprised.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Sean asked, he stood up and walked to his wife, worriedly.

That's when Daisy showed Sean a white object that looked like a  thermometer; but it had 2 straight red lines in the middle. Salty tears fell to the white haired lady's eyes when she said:

"I'm pregnant!"

Aw Y E S this extra is much more better than the other one ngl-
Also that was completely unexpected XD

So that means..Luke and Zander are having a wedding. Elliot is planning to propose to Milly. And Sean and Daisy are having a baby! (I didn't realize this was actually too much but whatever- 0w0)

(Also I randomly thought of this idea while going to sleep so- hehehee
Also I may or may not have dreampt of Lander cuddles too many times last night- XD

Other than that, hope you enjoyed and I'll make tomorrow adorable~


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