💜 Day 19: Mrs. Wickham 💜

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Uuuuuuuh Zander's mom has got it going on?- XD sorry-

Luke's POV:

Since Zander was at work, and I was waiting for my interview for my new job to come up, I decided to pay the Wickham's a visit to see how they were doing. I know Mrs. Wickham, Mr. Austin, my mom, and my dad set up invitations for people to come to our wedding.

Not really surprised there's a lot of people. They were squealing and screaming, "Lander" and "of course I'll go!" It was creepy, but I'm glad everyone are gonna watch me and Zander kiss like that scene from ep-
I mean like before.

I parked my car and head to the apartment door. I gently knocked three times.

I saw the wooden door open and I see a lady who looked like Zander, but with long purple hair, with some strands of white and a apron. Her light purple eyes sparkled when she saw me. "Oh, my dearie! Come in!"

"Hi, Mrs. Wickham." I hesitated. She let me in her apartment room and sat on the living room couch. I sigh as Zander's mom gives me some hot tea.

"What brings you here, Luke dear? And..where's my son?" She sat to another couch next to me.

"Zander's at work. Since I don't have anything to do today, I wanted go here. Where's Mr. Austin?" There was an awkward silence; the only sound that was playing is the Classical Seasons music by: Vivaldi on the radio. I remember Zander listening to the autumn and spring one before. Even though Milly saids classical music is boring, I think the tune fits just as perfect. (Aka: Purrfect background music ever 😌👌)

Mrs. Wickham finally answered, drinking her tea. "He's at work as well. I don't have work today and my daughter is having a sleepover at her friends house."

I chuckle; listening to the music and vibing.

"Luke? I know this might seem sudden but..Zander is so lucky to have a handsome young man like you to be his future husband," she smiles and my face turned red and I looked away, putting a hand on my head.

"No, I'm the one who's lucky. His smile just brightens up my day whenever I feel like I'm having a hard time." I sigh, looking up at the ceiling, daydreaming about my finacè again. "I love him so much.."

"And he loves you too. Don't tell him this, but he talks a lot about you when you two were younger. I knew you two were gonna be a thing since the very beginning. Maybe some a few fans of the friendly neighborhood of TMF to-- er..your friends," she giggles as I smile. I'm surprised he talks a lot about me when we were younger.

Before I thought I wasn't his type and that he doesn't care and now..he's here. With me. And we're together, and nothing can break us apart. Except for maybe in a few universes where Lander angst exists-

"And..his old father used to treat him badly and you know about his trust issues and his grumpy attitude," Mrs. Wickham said, sighing. She giggles awkwardly. She turns to me and smiled warmly. "I'm so glad he found you. Promise me you'll take care of my son?"

I grinned confidently and put my hands on Mrs. Wickham's hand, "I promise."

This was sorta rushed TwT but at least I did it! >:3 (I'm trying not to make the days go all lovey dovey- sorry- XD)

Anyway I hope you enjoyed and I hope you have a great day~

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