☀️ Day 6: In The Morning ☀️

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Good morning peeps ^^

And read this in the morning XD

It was the early morning. Only 5 A.M. The sky was awake so the purple haired boy decided to wake up early and prepare breakfast. Or at least exercise while waiting for Luke to wake up.

He looked at his to-be husband sleeping to their bed peacefully. He opened the blinds so that Luke can have a little bit of sunshine as he wakes from from his dream-land.

Zander closed the door to his room, leaving Luke there, and sat to the couch to read his book while waiting for his dear to wake up.

There was silence, and the purple haired boy loved that. "The seasons come and go like thoughts of you~~" Zander sang silently to himself. He sighed and leaned against the couch. He looked through the window and saw a purple and orange bird fly together on a tree.

Guess I'll prepare breakfast. My work starts at 7 o'clock anyway.. Zander said to himself, slowly getting off the couch to think about what breakfast to prepare for him and probably Luke if he wakes up from his sleep. "Let's see.." the purple obre man said to himself. "Oatmeal? Sausage? Bread? Oh but which type of bread..?"

He stood thinking for a minute before he felt arms cling right into his wraist from behind. "Maybe peanut butter and jelly?"

Zander screamed and turned behind him to see his to-be husband smile lightly at him. "Luke! You scared me!"

"Sorry, sweetheart," the autumn boy chuckled sweetly, still clinging onto Zander's wraist.

"Also..we're completely out of peanut butter remember?"

"Oh, but I'm here," Luke smirked and pecked Zander's cheek.

"Oh no, Luke don't get all pick-up-liney on me like you did last time!" Zander whines, putting his arms to his side as his face turned red. The autumn man let go of Zander and gave him another kiss on the lip chuckling.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Um.." the autumn man tried to think of what breakfast to eat. "What about oatmeal? It's a bit light brown like me and we can put some grapes.." he smirked. Zander turned away.

"I'm starting to think foods ships us now.." the purple haired guy mumbled, putting a hand on his arm. "There's even a jelly that looks like peanut butter that the author tasted but she forgot what the name was.."

"I'm sure it tasted delish. Wanna help me cook?"

Zander nodded, then he prepared the pan for the oatmeal. Luke turned to Zander slowly and smoothly walked up to him. He put his hand on Zander's cheek, letting the purple haired guy turn to him. Luke stared into his periwinkle eyes and looked at Zander warmly.

"Luke?.." Zander looked to the side, holding the wet pan. "What's wrong?"

"Did I ever tell you that you look extremely handsome?.." the purple haired boy's eye widen and he turned away from Luke, turning red.

"Y-You said that a thousand times, Luke."

"Yeah, and it's true!" Luke chuckled sweetly.

"This is turning into Lander Month number 1 when you kept saying these pick up lines to me.." Zander looked down embarrassed.

Luke smiled sweetly and kissed the top of his boyfriend's head. "Let's get started cooking.."

When the sun rises...

Bruh this is so cringe.. ;-;

I am not proud of this part of the day but I hope you enjoyed ^^'

Lander Month #1 is cheesy but Lander Month #2 is cringy XD
I still love it though and I hope you did too TwT

See you on Day 7. ;w;

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