☁️ Day 17: Memories 💭

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And the memories bring back memories bring back you~ UwU

P.S: sorry for publishing late again ;w; at least I made it just in time like yesterday!

(P.S 2: thanks to my little cousin for letting me come with this:

The sun was shining bright as light bulb; not a cloud was on the sky and there was a breeze slowest like a turtle moving the spring trees.

"Ahh~" the peanut butter man cooed, putting his two hands on the back of his head, relaxed.

His fiancè scoffed a little; looking at one of the periwinkle birds flying to their close ones. Zander smiled slightly, enjoying the soft wind.

Before, Luke was feeling like he was about to have a severe back pain; but he is finally chiming, enjoying the view of their old soccer field.

"Oh, look. That kid is about to kick the ball," Luke pointed at all the students at the soccer field, playing his most favorite game. Zander, however; didn't really like sports. When the two were in highschool, he would normally skip or tell the teacher that he was too "sick" to play. He was actually surprised he didn't get in trouble.

"I still remember P.E in highschool. Worst class of my life," Zander sighed, it was more of a groan. He placed his hands on the fence; having flashbacks of highschool.

"Yeah! Go Jake!"

"Woo! You got this Drew!"

"Wooo, go Luke!"

Mostly all the girls would cheer for the boys. Zander wasn't really much of a cheerier since he thinks people will think he's weird; so he just sat on the benches, reading to his book, quietly and silently to himself; cheering for his boyfriend- or in this case his "to-be husband".

The periwinkle eyed man suddenly flinched when he remembered all the girls who had a crush on Luke.

"Even Luke is popular with the girls..I noticed some of the students in class talk about how charming and goodlooking he is.." his step-sister said.

Until now, that boy is still afraid of that. What would happen if Luke slowly started falling out of love on Zander?

"I..didn't want to lose you.."

Zander slightly smiled once he remembered he said those words on that day. November 7th..it was the best day of his life; well..best day of Luke and Zander's life as a whole. The scarf boy finally confessed his feelings, Zander finally let it all out..and once they kissed the whole world just stopped for once and it felt like heavenly angels just gave them the most amazing blessing of all.

And, now..Zander is wearing his shiny diamond ring Luke gave him on the very day Luke said the words that would change their lives forever..

"I'll be holding you in every season..will you marry me?"

Silent, saltly tears fell through his eyes and of course he would say. "Yes! I will!" It was one of the best days of their lives and they were never gonna regret it..

"What are you smiling about?" Luke smirked, gazing his glance to his fiancè. Zander's eye suddenly widen.

"O-oh nothing," the periwinkle boy looked down, trying not to face his totally-not-handsome-to-be husband's face.

"Don't stop smiling, darling. I love your smile, it's beautiful." Zander's face turned a bright shade of pink once Luke said those words. Without hesitation, he put his arms around the European man. Zander tried to let go..but Luke didn't divulge.

"L-Luke..can you let me go now?" Zander said, almost chuckling awkwardly but it didn't come out.

"Remember what I said on Valentines day? Once I get my hands on you, I'm never ever..letting go.." Luke closed his eyes gently and continued to lean closer to his fiance.

After a minute, Zander was finally having the chance to let go. "Then try and catch me.." he said, smirking. Luke knew what was gonna happen next. Zander started sprinting through the day they confessed; it was like that very day. Unlike before, Zander was actually having fun.

"Zander, stop running," Luke yelled out, trying to catch his breath but continued racing like a chasing after his beloved. Now it's really feeling like that day.

Once Zander stopped, he slowly turned back to Luke. "You're lucky I love you."

Luke smirked, he slowly walked up to his man and he gently pressed his lips against Zander's. Flower petals started falling just like another season.

Once the two pulled away, Luke chuckled softly. "I'm lucky to have you."


Lucky I'm in love with my best friend~
Lucky to be coming home agaaain~

Sorry the last part just reminded me of that song XD ha ha~

I'm kinda proud/not proud of this part honestly- . And I thankful of my cousin for letting me come up with this part or else I would be pulm out of ideas TwT ha haa~

I hope you enjoyed and have a great day~

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