❤Day 26: To-Be Married Couple❤

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2 days before the wedding ;w; Okaaay this is gonna be hard-

Luke's POV:

2 days before the wedding..

2 days before the wedding..

I can't believe it. I can't believe this is really happening. A future with just me. And Zander. Peanut Butter, our little puppy, and our future kids. I can't wait for that day..

I'm sitting somewhere closing my eyes and wrapping up something..or someone close to me. I can sense myself sleeping and just thinking to myself;

Not gonna lie, I am nervous for our wedding.. no. I am very nervous for our wedding. What if something doesn't go right? What if we're late? Or what if Zander isn't ready? What if I'm not ready. I wrap what's in front of me tighter without even knowing what it is.

My heart keeps thumping and thumping just like my beloved drums and it can't stop. That's when I gently opened my eyes.

"Luke..L-Luke..baby, you're squeezing me so tight!"


We were sitting on our living room couch and I was wrapping my love in a huge hug. I have no idea how that happened; but I love this feeling. I yawned and continued cuddling him.

I see Peanut Butter laying down on the couch next to Hailey and Milly who were happily smirking, looking at Zander and me. It was hard to see since I have no idea if I'm awake or asleep, but I feel warm and comfy.

"Milly! Don't you dare take a picture! Don't you dare take a picture!" I feel Zander trying to wiggle his way out of my grasp.

"Too late, I did. Luke is gonna freeze when he sees this," my pink haired devil friend typed on her phone probably sending a picture to me. I heard Zander growl like bear. I think this is the part when I'm actually awake.

"Darling?.." I saw Zander's light, lavender eyes turn to look at me. My cheeks turn red as I grinned happily. "Goodmorning.." I mumbled, pecking his cheek.

"It's 3 P.M, sweetheart."

Oh..I must've lost track of time..All of a sudden, I heard Milly laugh hysterically. "You two are not married yet and you already look like a married couple!" Then, the pink haired devil soon started ramboling countless things about what me and Zander are gonna do once we were "alone".

Hailey laughed softly with her while petting our little puppy with a light smile on her face. "I..think that's enough, Milly."

I felt Zander's body turn really warm; he was shaking all of sudden. "Sweetheart? Are you okay?"

"Ah- don't worry about him, Luke. He is just flustered on how handsome you look," Milly winked at me. I giggled then looked up at my future husband. My eyes turn wide on how he looked like he was about to kill Milly or something. But, in fact..he couldn't because my arms were still around him.

I wanted us to stay like this forever.

That's when Milly took out her phone and started taking more pictures. She turn to Zander and smirked evily. "Oops-- I did it again."

"I swear.. once Luke is out of me, I'm gonna kick your butt hard as I can, Milly!" Zander threatened.

"We'll see about that!"

Well, you know what they say..

Somethings ever change. 2 days before our wedding and I'm already excited..
Even though things like this will happen almost every weekend..

Okay I was kind of stuck with this so I just added a small day today 😅

But, again, I hope you enjoyed this :)

Imma try to write the wedding as best as I can ;w; *sigh*

*cough* but anyway thanks for reading ^^" hehee

See you all before the wedding ;)

💕Lander Month BOOK: 2!💕 A Music Freaks FanficWhere stories live. Discover now