🎆Day 23: Fireworks🎆

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Before we start this I just want to say: 🌸Happy Birthday our favorite flower boy: Elliot!🌸 WHOO HOO--^^

And I am su sorry for publishing this late again ;-;
Just a heads-up there's gonna be a lot of song references-;w;


"Hey, baby, are you rea--" the obre boy was cut off by his future husband dressing up as handsomely as ever. He was wearing the same dark red scarf but his outfit was a bit different. He was wearing a grey leather jacket with a white T-shirt inside of it and some black jean pants.

"Zander?.." Luke waved his hands to his finacè's face, but all he could see is Zander's eyes widening and his face turning a bright shade of red. "Do you hear me? I'm talking to you?"

The periwinkle eyed man went back to reality. "Y-Yeah..- I- um..are you ready?"
Zander hesitated. He tried to be chill, but Luke was so hot he melted and tried not fall down. Luke smirked and put his arms around his to be husband, ready to go. Just..Breathe..Zander said to himself.

The two couple were about to go somewhere out there beneath the pail moonlight in Rosy Park to watch all the fireworks for Elliot's birthday!

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A few moments and the two already arrived, waiting for the fireworks to come. They saw Milly and Elliot together with Sean and Daisy sitting in the same big blanket watching the stars. Meanwhile, Jake and Hailey were sitting on the grass silently flirting to themselves.

Once Zander and Luke sat beside Daisy and Sean; the black haired man put his hands on his wife's stomach. "You'll blow us all away..someday, someday."

Luke's suddenly widen. "Why are you..wait..you and Daisy! You-"

Daisy chuckled warmly. "Yeah, we were about to tell you days ago but you seemed a little busy. And yes..I'm having a baby!"

The scarf boy smiled wide. "Congrats, you two!" Daisy and Sean gave Luke a warm smile.

Meanwhile, Zander went to Milly to see how his little puppy Peanut Butter was doing. Fortunately, Zander "trusted" Milly to take care of his puppy while he and Luke were away with things.

Elliot chuckled once Peanut Butter licked Milly's face. "Ooooh~ you can be the peanut butter to my jelly, Peanut Butter," the pink haired devil finally learned how to control the little puppy.

"Hey, that's my line." Zander said from behind.

"Oooh! Zander you're here...can I babysit Peanut Butter again? We're actually handling him pretty well!" Milly put the puppy down who wagged his tail happily.

Zander turned to Luke who smiled at him warmly; then to Elliot. Since it was Elliot's birthday, it was the least he could do. "If you hurt him, I'll kill you."

"Don't worry, I won't." The pink haired devil smirked.

A few moments passed and Jake lit up the candles to Elliot's cake. It was almost time for the fireworks to show up and Sean put on some very awesome music.

"Everywhere we go it turns to Paradise!"

"All I know is that I need you in my life!~"

The teal lady took her hand to the simp. "Just don't look back and keep your eyes on me."

"You're holding bac-"

"Just shut up and dance with me." Hailey rolled her eyes. Jake smirked and danced rockly with his future wife.

Meanwhile, Milly cuddled Peanut Butter while Elliot danced. She laughed on the way as the flower boy's face turned red of his waifu--I mean his to-be fiancè. Sean smirked.

Zander layed on Luke's shoulder looking at the stars again. "You're beautiful.." the Auburn man whispered. Zander's face turned red at what his to-be husband said.

"You're such an idiot.." Zander said, leaning closer. Luke chuckled softly, then he noticed it was time for the fireworks to show up!

"Did you get the cake?" Milly said, jumping up and down excitedly. Hailey nodded and lit it up with some matches.

Then, they all started singing:

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday dear Elliot
Happy Birthday to you~

Once the right timing was clear, the fireworks started to appear like the New years. It made different bright colors like red, orange, yellow, and green, blue, and purple. Elliot made a wish:

"I wish to stay with my future wife forever.." then he blew all the candles. Everyone cheered loudly, cheering for the flower boy's birthday.

Peanut Butter slowly went to Zander and Luke giving them both a cuddle and a tail wag; Zander couldn't help but faint.

Jake sighed, and whispered to his finacè's ear. "I can't wait for the wedding.."

Hailey smiled and winked at the pink haired devil. "And I can't wait for the engagement."

I had total writers block writing this part-- so "I forced myself to get things down on here and tidy it up later" -Monika reference btw- ;w;

At least I put the song references-- I'mma try to make tomorrow adorable I promise ;w;

Hope you enjoyed and have a great day~

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