🥞Day 8: Breakfast 🥞

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Good morning peeps! Welcome back to the most cringest Lander stories in the world XD (I luv that intro-)

Anyway, do you people have any theories for the next episode?
I'm only guessing it will be a Sean one and maybe a moment of Milly and Elliot. And maybe we'll see a little scene of what happens to Stacy. It'll either be Luke talking to her or Zander talking to her or both be talking to her.
(It's just a theory gut feeling XD)

Anyway, enjoy! ^^'

The purple haired boy woke up early in the morning as usual while his husband was still asleep because of work. Zander really felt bad for his autumn haired husband and since he wanted to make it up to Luke, he decided to prepare Luke's favorite breakfast!

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with some hot chocolate and marshmallows. It was sort of a Christmasy breakfast but who wouldn't want that? There was also some pancakes for him and Luke. Everytime the petals are falling down, and it is warm outside~
We gather around the cheery tree, and no one cares about where we need to be~

Meanwhile, when Luke was still in bed, he put one of his arms to Zander. "Zander?.." Luke whispered. He gently opened his eyes to see that his dear loved one wasn't in sight. He slowly got up from his bed groaning.

"Luke! Luke! Stay there!"

Luke heard a familiar voice call out to him. He stood still then turned to see that his husband was there to greet him with a big batch of breakfast.

"Zander, what's all this?"

"Breakfast in bed?" The purple haired one said, struggling to carry. He accidentally stepped on a sock and fell down like a anime girl--or..maybe man. "AAAH--"

Luke grabbed on the breakfast just in time to see his husband on the floor. "Sweetie? Are you okay?"

Zander looked at Luke and tried to smile; but it soon faded. "Never better.."

The purple haired boy stood up finally and sat on his bed with Luke. "You have no idea how hard it was to carry all these here, you know.."

Luke lightly smiled. "Then I should've done it."

"No, my Lukey, you've been through a lot. Spending all these time at work, spending with me even if you're tired. It's time for me to return the favor," Zander grabbed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich then handed it to his husband. "And if you say no I'll kill you."

His autumn to-be husband soon chuckled and grabbed the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "I don't know what to say, baby. This is so sweet.."

Zander didn't say a word. He looked down blushing; but he was proud of himself of making his Luke happy in the morning.

"Hey, Luke?"

"Yes, darling?"

The purple haired smiled softly and kissed his to-be husband's cheek.

"I love you."

Luke raised a brow. Not expecting it from his husband. The autumn man kissed his husband's lips with a little peck. "I love you too~"

I'll always be there..

Fun fact: I was listening to Doki Doki background music while writing this part XD that's why it kinda sounds a little anime-ish ^^'' teehee..

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this part! ♡ and it's almost Valentine's Day!!!~

Have a great day~ (and do well in school XD)

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