🧡Day 7: Mrs. Peterson🧡

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🎵Luke's mom has got it going on--UwU

Kay,Thatwasreallybad--;w; I'm so sorry
Ummm hope you enjoy? XD:

"Mrs. Peterson, don't you think--"

"No, no, Zander dear. You're mother in law has got this!" Mrs. Peterson put her hands on her hips as she continued to find the most amazing suit for Zander.

Since Daisy couldn't find the suit she was looking for, she decided that Luke's mom could do it and now the purple haired boy was stuck with his future mother-in-law, Luke's mom.

"How did I get myself into this..?" Zander mumbled to himself. He looked down and he whined to himself, putting his hands on his face. Luke was at work and all the purple head could think about was his future husband.

"Huh..Zander, dear? Before I pick out these outfits for you, can I ask you a quesion?"

The purple haired boy raised a brow. "Sure, go ahead."

"What's your favorite season? I know how much my son loves talking about it," Ms. Peterson said, putting a hand on her chest. Zander smiled lightly.

"I don't know. I like every season.." the purple haired boy said, looking down.

"Oh, that is why you love him, don't you?" Luke's mom chuckled. "I don't know if Luke told you this..but he told me that he loves the autumn season. It's his favorite. Me and your mom always tells Luke to change his mind and move the wedding to the first day of autumn; but he loves you so much he wanted to make the wedding early."

Zander's periwinkle eyes twinkled. His face turned red and he looked away.

"The autumn season reminds Luke of you, Zander dear. Every time we mention the word "seasons" he would often stare off to space, either looking and staring at you.. or thinking about you."

"Mrs. Peterson, you don't have to say all those embarrassing things..--" Zander put his two hands on his face in embarrassment. That is maybe what Mrs. Peterson and Luke have in common.

Mrs. Peterson smiled. "Oh, sweetie. Call me mom." She winked at Zander and he smiled lightly and blushed.

"I'll call you mom after my wedding.."

"Oh! Speaking of moms! Put this on," Luke's mom picked up a suit just Zander's size. His coifed and crispy locks were in the suit as well. It would look more like would Luke would want Zander to wear.

The purple haired boy went to the dressing room to change into his wedding gear. Once he stepped forward to Mrs. Peterson, she immediately grabbed her future son in law and gave him a great big hug. "Oh, Zander, sweetie you look so handsome!"

Zander blushed in embarassment, coming from Luke's mom, he really isn't used to all the compliments. "My Lukey will be all head-over heals when he sees you with this." She put her two hands on her son in law's shoulder. "You're gonna be perfect at the wedding.."

Zander smiled lightly. Mrs. Peterson then clapped her hands once more.

"Now, all we need is a few make-up to shiny things up a bit to make you even more beautiful!" The autumn woman crossed her arms and went through her make-up kit to see if she had anything.

"Uh, Mrs. Peterson, isn't this a bit mu-"

"Nonsense! My Lukey needs to see the most gorgeous Zander in the world.." Mrs. Peterson suddenly frowned and she put her hands on her hips and turned to the purple obre man. "Oh, no. I think your mom probably put my make-up kit somewhere for your sister."

Zander nodded but didn't say a thing.

"That's okay. Just take those wedding gears off and we'll do it tomorrow!"

Once Mrs. Peterson said those words, the European man suddenly got a call from his phone. His eyes widen and saw that it was his to-be husband Luke.

"Hey, Luke?"

"Zander, sweetie? I just got a good job at work today. So, I'm free to do anything with you if you want. What are you doing?"

"Uh.." Zander looked at Mrs. Peterson which signaled his son in law not to say a single thing about the wedding gear he put on. "I was just.. playing the piano."

"Great, I'm on my way. Goodbye, Sweetie!"

"Goodbye, baby.."

Once Zander hung up the phone, Mrs. Peterson smiled and chuckled softly. "Baby'..what a nice name to give your future husband.."

"Mrs. Peterson!" Zander groaned and put his two hands on his face in embarrassment; his face turning bright red. Luke's mother chuckled in return.

When the sun sets..

Sorry this isn't really a Luke and Zander moment day-- ;w;
But at least they're's one little one right XD

I just realised it's almost Valentine's day, and I'm planning to make that day of Lander this month EXTREMELY adorable--
So I'm trying-- XD

And it's the first time ever I added a mom in Lander Month! Yayyy~

(Also marriage is hard to write-;w;)

Also two questions: 1. What do people do on their honeymoon?

And 2. And who are the BEST tmf authors/Storywriters you know?

Again, I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day! ^^

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