💌 Day 20: The Love Poem 💌

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Luke's POV:

"The seasons come and go like thoughts of you~" I hummed, waiting for my future husband to come home from his work. I already quit my job; which is good so that my boss won't have to scold me. Now I am thinking of going to Zander's job. Or..maybe being a police officer. It'll be good to protect by future husband.

Ha ha~ I love saying that. I can't believe two childhood friends who were once little seeds and one of them grow up to be very extremely handsome. He even has the most beautiful smile.

Now, our lives are changing, I'm gonna marry him at the end of the month. That's unbelievable..but anythings possible. I think of it every single day.

That actually reminds me of a little something.

I walked upstairs to our room and I gently opened the door. That thing I was talking about was probably inside our bed. I know my Zander would be the man for being inside peoples beds.

I chuckle to myself and went down to find a brown box under the bed. I picked it up gently; just in case there's anything fragile and easy to break inside.

On top of the box, it saids, "From AW+LP. Do not touch!" AW stands for Alexzander Wickham and LP stands for Luke Peterson. It looks like we kept a lot of things in this box; but when I opened it, all I see is the two plushies we gave together in the original Lander Mo- I mean about..6 years ago or more. I don't really remember anymore. I also see two folded papers.

I opened one of them and read slowly:

To my loving Butter,

Your the leaves in my tree
The sun in my sky

Dancing with you and playing with you makes me satisfyed

Ever since we were seeds, I loved you from that day

I promise to love you every step of the way

I love you, Luke, you are my best

My answer to your love poem is:

Love Zander..♡

I almost forgot about this..this was from when everyone was impatient for episode 5. I'm so glad that's past u-
I mean..this was from years ago. We were still learning how to be from one another in those days..

Memories bring back memories bring back you..
Sounds like a song.

"Baby, I'm home!"

I heard a familiar voice calling out to me from downstairs. I put the poem inside and layed the two luke-alike Zander and Luke plushies and put them both on the bed. Then, I put the poem into the box and put the box back inside of the bed.

I sighed softly, then I finally went downstairs and saw my obre-haired fiancè sitting tired on the livingroom couch.

I chuckle softly and put my arms around him. "Miss me?" He said, tiredly.

"I should be asking you that.." I smirked. "Of course I do.." I kiss his forehead and let my to be husband lay on me.

Alexzander Wickham..I'll love you even after til' death do us part..

Finally ;w; This was kinda rushed XD hehee

Also in that last line, I almost put "Alexander Hamilton' instead of Alexzander Wickham XD ha ha~
It would be amazing if I could make a: Alexander Hamilton and Luke Month AND a Zander and Coffee Month
I'll think more about that 0w0 heheheee-

Also I have a weird question: If Luke and Zander were your parents for 1 day what would you do?-

Anyway XD I hope you enjoyed and have a great day~

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