💜💍The Wedding part 3: I Love You💍🧡

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Alright! Final product >w<

Enjoy the party

Oh and..since you guys wanted Henry and Liam to be in the wedding-- I did tis XD :


Hailey spotted the one and only Henry and Liam messing around in the reception room. The peachy man put a arm on his head and chuckled awkwardly. "Umm.."

"There's a note in this wall that saids, 'lettuce for life'." The pink haired devil pointed at a spot on the corner wall and laughed her head off. She was the photographer; taking..way too photos and videos of the wedding. Elliot was standing next to her, looking at his pocket..wondering when it'll be the time to ask his bend down on one knee to his girlfriend and say the 4 words..

Jake spoke up, "Hear me about, babe! I really didn't want them to ruin anything but they begged me with their eyes and you know how can I not stand that!"

Hailey sighed disappointedly. "Alright, fine. But if they ruin this wedding, you are sleeping on the couch tonight.."

And Jake didn't like sleeping on the couch. Little blankets, no lights. This was an opportunity to get Henry and Liam to not mess around on such an important day.


2:00 P.M at the reception:

"Welcome everyone to Luke and Zander's wedding!"

Everyone in the whole room sat in their chairs with their families, waiting to take pictures with the peanut butter and jelly. The food was all ready. Pizza, salad, spaghetti, desserts; everyone in the whole room was excited to eat. (I am literally making myself feel so hungry- ;w;)

"I just want to say: thank you all for staying for the reception! The party! I am very pleased to have you all here.
Enjoy the food! And, enjoy taking pictures with your wonderful grooms, Luke and Zander!" The teal lady stepped out of the dance table and sighed in relief. She turned to Sean who gave her a thumbs up.

Hailey went to the cameras to take a picture of the whole crowd. Then, she noticed the batteries were already low! Hailey spotted Milly, looking at Hailey with a nervous look on her face. "Milly?..what did you do?"

"I..uh..may or may not have taken a lot of pictures of Luke and Zander.." the pink haired devil chuckled nervously.

Hailey sighed of disappointment. "Well, we always have our phones."


4:00 P.M  at the Reception:

It's gonna be the best day of my life~

My li-i-i-fe!

The music was playing while everyone was dancing their knees off. The grooms sat on the front of the reception room; eyeing everyone at the party.

Elliot was leaning against a wall; looking at all the beautiful flowers. Meanwhile, Daisy was happily putting her shoulders onto her husband while talking to Zander's mom.

"Hey, baby. I'm gonna go and get some grapes? Do you want some?" Zander stood up, pointing at the food to where his little sister was, also getting some grapes and smirking at her big brother taking pictures.

Luke gave his husband a smug, supercilious smile. (It feels satisfying me saying husband instead of to-be husband ngl-- ;w;). "Of course I want some. Come here and kiss me, my grape?"

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