💍The Wedding part 2: ❤💍Husbands💍❤

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I added a wedding instrumental at the top so yeah ☝️
Enjoy part 2! ^^

Oh and P.S: You're the pastor of the wedding 😎 hee hee:

It was Elliot and Milly's turn to walk down the isle. It had been a long time since them all have been attending a wedding.The two sat next to Sean and Daisy, holding onto Peanut Butter and now it was a moment of truth of when the final person gets to walk down the isle.

Luke hesitated for a moment; he looked at Jake, then the pastor who was smiling and (probably) squealing on the inside. The music was a slow melody of canon in D; which calmed the auburn man down but his heart beat like his drums and it couldn't stop.

Now, it was Zander's turn to walk down the isle. The guests all turned to see the church door open and saw the one and only European man walk down the the red carpet with his mom and stepsister. Luke couldn't blink; he couldn't speak...Zander looked like he had been sent from heaven brought down for the auburn man to hold on forever and ever..

God..thank for letting me live so I can meet this angel.. Luke said to himself. He looks so beautiful in white.. He turned to his friends who happily gave him a smirk; then his family: Mr. Peterson couldn't stop crying holding up his tissue while Mrs. Peterson tried to calm him down and smiling warmly and happily on this marvelous day.

My baby has finally grown up..Mr. Peterson said, crying even more.

Once Zander was in front of Luke, the music stopped and it was the pastor's turn to speak.

"Brothers and Sisters..we have gathered here today to celerbrate the wedding and union of Luke Peterson and Alexzander Wickham . Or..should I say future Alexzander Peterson." The pastor wicked at the obre-man who's face turned a light shade of red. "It is come to my attention that these two men have met when they were just little seeds and brought together by fate, friendship, and love.

"It has been a long journey for them; more so of their friends. Hailey, Milly, Sean, and Jake. As clubmates, they have been searching for a long way to get these two together and..show me..the pictures..?" The pastor turned to Milly and pink haired devil's cheeks turned red and Zander made a death glare to her. Milly shrugged her shoulders and chuckled nervously while everybody in the whole room laughed for a bit.

"As by family, Mrs. And Mr. Peterson and Mrs. Wickham and Mr. Austin. I hope you are both proud on both of your sons. Alexzander and Luke have come a long way as childhood friends so long and everlasting lovers forever.

"Alexzander, Luke, it's time for your vows. Is there anything you'd like to share?"

The auburn man nodded, then looked at his husband with his big golden eyes; blinking down with a grin on his face. "You, Zander, you are my dream. Ever since we first met. I knew I love you ever since the beginning. For seasons, summer, winter, spring, especially autumn we spent everyday of every minute together.. It got... difficult in episo- I mean..heh.. highschool and I thought I was pushing you away; but really I was actually pulling you towards me even more. Now, that I have you in my arms; I am never..letting go..I'm so lucky to have such a handsome man come into my life and make me smile that just brightens up my day everytime I get close.." he said.."I promise to love you forever, my prince."

Zander broke down into tears once Luke had said those words. He wiped them away and sniffed. "You're so infuriating for saying those.. kind and..tender words..-" he felt himself turn into a tomato, but it got off the courage to say what he was gonna say, "Highschool..was the hardest year of our lives..not just me and you; but for all of us. Sometimes it can..drag you away from the ones you love. It can be hard..it irritates me to no end. The best thing to have is your close friends by your side..or- in this case your lovers. Make the right decisions and don't let stress get in better of you just like it did to me a few years ago.." Zander sniffed wiping his tears away.

"Luke..? You have saved me from all the darkness before not just highschool but my whole life.. you're more than a friend and a lover; you may be stupid but I love your smile, your golden eyes, your stupid adorable clothes you wear all the time and I couldn't bear to see you with someone else..that's why I-" he stopped as a lump was on his throat took over him. Water went down from his periwinkle eyes. "T-that's why I love you, Luke. I promise to always be there for you."

Zander's words made Luke's eyes start to water. The auburn man wiped his tears away and the pastor couldn't help but tear up as well. Every in the whole room clapped and cheered for the two peanut butter and jelly couple.

"Those were some kind and wise words, Mr. Wickham" the pastor said. Afterwards, there was a long pause before he said, "Now..may I have the rings, ring barrior?"

A little kid with auburn hair just like Luke walked down the front to give the pastor the diamond rings. He tripped once he got there and said a little, "sowwy" then went back to the chair he was sitting in. Milly and Daisy giggled softly on how cute he was.

Luke put on the ring onto Zander and Zander put the ring onto Luke. It was time for the "i dos."

"By wearing his ring..Luke Peterson," the Pastor turned to face the auburn man, "do you take Alexzander Wickham to be your lawfully wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to comfort him, honor him and keep him from better or worst, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, foresaking all others, to love and to cherish, til' death do you part?"

"I do.."

The Pastor smiled and turned to the European man. "Now, by wearing this ring,do you Alexzander Wickham, take Luke Peterson to be your lawfully wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to comfort him, honor him and keep him from better or worst, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, foresaking all others, to love and to cherish, til' death do you part?"

The obre-man's vision was a blurr. He didn't repond. All he could do was look into Luke's yellow butterscotch eyes and-

When the purple haired man got back to reality, he immediately said: "yes! I-I of course I do.."

Everybody in the whole room laughed then the pastor gave a proud statement saying, "Then, by the power vested in me,I present to you a new married couple, Luke and Alexzander Peterson!" The pastor squealed as this was their favorite part. "You may now kiss."

The auburn boy smirked and took out Zander's wedding veil. He grabbed his wraist and pulled him into a warm, passionate kiss.

Everyone in the room stood up and clapped for their favorite peanut butter and jelly couple. "LANDER FOREVER!!!"

When the two pull away Luke whispered, "doesn't that feel nice?"

Zander grabbed his husband and pulled him into a big embrace. "It totally does, idiot.." he pecked his husband's cheek, "..I love you, Luke."

"I love you, too, Zander."


Oh my god that was so hard 😂 taahaa-
I have no idea how to be a pastor but I did this from past experiences on weddings XD

1000+ words ;w; oml that's crazy-

(Also P.S:..Zander's vow actually got to me tho ;w;)

Also, this book is almost done!

1 more part is the reception! Let's go! >w< 👉👉👉

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1 more part is the reception! Let's go! >w< 👉👉👉

💕Lander Month BOOK: 2!💕 A Music Freaks FanficWhere stories live. Discover now