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Dear my wonderful readers,

Whoo-- I'm not good with words right now cuz I think my hands are killing me for writing for a whole darn month--
(And tbh book 1 is better than this-)

The wedding and well (all the days here) were actually SO hard to write. Like I said, ' marriage is hard' and I still keep forgetting Luke and Zander are getting married and not getting engaged like before-- (also I'm so sorry for breaking the forth wall all the time, I can't help it XD)

But I'm glad I FINALLY finished this!
Now I could take a break and write theories and read peoples fanfictions (be sure to check the ones I put on Day: 11 btw, those are really good-)  And unlike book: 1, THIS was one heck of a challenge!-

But anyway, like I said: Thank you peeps so much for reading Lander Month book: 2, or maybe Lander Month in general teehee 😅
That book has literally gotten me so far and I was N O T expecting from a "small" fandom!

You guys are awesome!-
Like, really, really awesome! ("I said that thousands of times but I won't hesitate to say it again-"😎)

As much as I hate saying goodbye to this sort of thing ;w; I just wanted to say:

Thank you so much for everything! <3
Feel free to read this every month because every month is Lander Month XD

Anyway, as always, I hope you enjoyed Lander Month Book: 2 and I hope I made you guys happy!~

Have a great day~

Love your forth wall breaker author, Clarizzidashpie 🧡💜

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