Chapter 4

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---Good Bye---

It has been almost two days since i have last seen anyone and had gotten out of the room. Even if they did want to enter, the only replied i would give was silence and a 'go away.' Mostly the only person that would try to come in my room was Mr. Wammy who wanted me to eat or drink something, but i would only stay inside the room, while he left the food out the door for me to get it, but i would never touch it.

Knock knock Knock

I looked over at the door and waited for someone to speak, but i only heard another knock, so i got up from my bed. When i stood on the cold floor and tried to steady my weight and tried to walk over to the door, i had completely failed since i fell on the ground.

"Raven are you alright" I twitched my eye and looked over at the door, now knowing who it was. 'Of course i'm not alright, dam that Lawliet'

"If your not going to answer then i'm going to open this door"

"I wouldn't if i was you"


"And why is tha-"


I stared at the now wet Lawliet who only looked at me with annoyed eyes.

"I told you"

"So, you made a trap for no one could come in then"

"Not really"

"hm, how so"

"Well i just now did that trap, but i didn't expect you or anyone to come in"

"Is that so, so if i would to come in yesterday; then you wouldn't have had that trap on would you?

"Yes you are right, but didn't you suspect that i would leave a trap"

"Well to be honest i did not"

"And why is that"

"Well i thought that you might have not have had any strength to think or do one"

"Your an idiot Lawliet"

"Oh about that, can you please for now on call me L"


"Well i don't want anyone to know my name and know who i am"

"I see, but haven't people already seen you"

"Well no, only you and Yuki"

"Then why use an alias name"

"Why do you use one Kazumi or should i saw Raven"

"Well i only use another name, because i don't like it when people know who i am"

"Then that goes the same with me" I twitched my eye at him and glared as he just used me to make him get a reason to why he uses an alias name.

"Oh and don't tell Yuki about my name"

"Why, doesn't she already know it"

"Well no, for now she only know my name is L"

"I see, so is that all you came in here for"

"No, i just wanted to see if you are alright"

"Well as you can see i am not and you haven't helped me off the floor"

"Oh sorry about that" He started to walk over to me and when he was close to me all he did was held out a hand for me. I took it and got up, but my head felt dizzy and my vision was going blurry.

"Kazumi are you alright" I shook my head and blinked many times, until my vision was better.

"Yes, i am"

"Are you sure, because it looked as if you were going to faint"

"No i'm alright, so you can let go" He let go of me and walked back a little, but stayed close to me in case i would had fell. But right when he let go my vision was getting blurry again and felt as if i was falling, while the air was hitting my face.

"Kazumi" I opened my eyes and looked at L who was looking at me concerned.

"Why happened?"

"You fell and blanked out for a minute"

"Oh, well i'm fine now, so you can leave"

"I'm not leaving i'm going to stay by your side in case you faint again"

"That isn't necessary"

"Fine then eat this" I watched as he took out a lollipop out of his pocket and as he handed it to me.

"I'm no eating this"

"If you don't eat it then your blood flow will drop again"


"What do you mean 'So'"

"So mean so, so leave me alone"

"Kazumi, don't you get it"

"Get what"

"If your blood sugar drops, then you will die"

"So what if i die" Their was silence in the air and the only thing i could hear was our breathing.

"If i die then i'll just be replaced, so their isn't any reason for me to live"

"That isn't true Kazumi, if you die then who else will i talk to" I looked over at L who was now by the door way.

"Eat it, it will make you feel better, until Watari bring you food"

"Who's Watari?"

"Watari is Mr.Wammy, so please call him that for now on" His voice sounded said, but i didn't want to ask why.

"L, i'm sorry" but he didn't hear, when he had left the room and the door clicked showing that he had left the room. Now i was alone in the once again, but this time i had a lollipop that L had gave to me.

"Why do you care if i live L"

Knock knock Knock

"Come in" Watari came in with a cart that contained many variety of food that looked good.

"Kazumi, now i want you to eat these alright" I stared at the food as the smoke and smell of it filled the room. I had to admit the food smelled good and it looked tasty.

"Did you make this Watari"

"Yes, oh and don't worry none of them are sweet so you can eat them like you like them"

"How did you know i didn't like sweets"

"You look like a person that doesn't like sweets"


"I see that Lawliet came in here to give you that" I looked at the lollipop that Lawliet had given me before he left.

"Yes, he was here a minute ago"

"Yes, he was the one that told me that you had fainted, is that true Kazumi"

"Well um"

"For now on you have to eat your food and i won't take no for an answer"

"Yes i understand Watari, oh by the way why do i have to call you and Lawliet by alias names"

"For now i cannot tell you why, but i will tell you when the time comes" With that he lefted me alone with the cart of food beside me.

"I wonder what their planning on doing, I don't think that they would just now use alias names for no reason" I kept on thinking of the reason why they would, but nothing popped in my head, so i brushed it off and placed my lollipop at the side and ate the food Watari had given me, but what i didn't know was that this was the last day i would ever see L ever again.

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