Chapter 1 *edited*

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Raven's POV

I looked out the window as the snowflakes fell down from the sky and dropped on the earth. Each one landed on one another as if forming a blanket on the Earth. Each one of them continued to fall; showing every second that was pass by as the earth continued to go on, even if someone were to die; the world would continue to spin. To a normal six year old child they would look at the window with amazement in there eyes and start begging there parents to go out and play in the snow, but not me; of course not me. Since i was not a normal little six year old child like the rest; instead I would look out the window and count the snowflakes that fell down every second covering the other pieces of snow. My concentration was later on broken when a creak was heard from the door of my room, causing it to open. I didn't look behind me to see who it was, instead I stayed in my position, until the person came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder showing their reflection on the window and seeing that the person was watching out the window with me.

"It looks lovely doesn't it?" I didn't move or say a word in responds, the man just sighed at my stubbornness and moved his hand from my shoulder.

"Raven you should get out of this room and play with the other children in this orphanage or at least make some friends." Still i didn't move and continued to look out the window as i counted the snowflakes in my mind. As i kept on counting the snowflakes the old man eventually gave up on trying to make me leave my room. I quietly sighed and went to my bed and sat on it while looking at the ground thinking about the memories i had about my dead parents. I stopped thinking about them when i heard the door open again and shut as two pair of footsteps walked closer to me.

"Raven i would like you to meet Lawliet" I continued to look down at the ground, as my hair covered my face making it hard for the person to see my face. At first i thought that they would just leave me be and give up, but i felt a cold hand place my lock of hair behind my ear.

"You shouldn't hide your pretty face behind your hair" I looked at the weird boy that had just called me pretty, but shoved the complement behind my head and stared at his eyes, but then I slapped his hand away from my hair and laid down in the bed, while covering myself with the cover showing that i did not want to speak with anyone. At first i thought it would be obvious for them to leave me and give up on me like my parents did, that is when my parents stopped loving me. Seeing that they realized that i wanted to be alone I heard one of them sigh and get up while leaving and shutting the door to my room. I on the other hand stayed in the same position waiting for the other person to leave. When i did the math in my head i figured that the other person named Lawliet was still in the room, since the footsteps of the other person sounded like an adults footsteps then that of a child; he stayed and i figured that it was about thirty minute that had passed as he continued to stay in the room.

"Would you stop being a spoiled brat" My eyes widen and i blinked for a couple of seconds getting the information in my head. When i did i got angry, but i would not let my emotion get the best of me, so i stayed like i was, until i felt somebody sit on the bed; well that what i thought. When i poked my head out of the covers i saw him sitting in a different position that mostly no person would sit like on the end of the bed with his back facing me.

"I'm impressed, I thought that you would at least stay in your covers until twenty seconds more"

'He is correct i was thinking that i should stay a little bit longer thinking of what to do, but i didn't, instead i poked my head out earlier then his estimated calculations.

"Your right, i would have stayed in my covers a little bit longer, but i got out earlier" He turned around and looked at me with his dark brown eyes with bags under his eyes.

"Yes, if you did stay under your cover a little bit longer to think of what to do. You would have gotten out at the estimated time i had thought of"

"Tell me, I'm curious, why did you not leave when Whammy left"

"He told me that you were someone that i would like as a friend"

"I have no intention of being your friend"

"I thought you might say that, well anyway i tried; i'll be taking my leave then, um..."

"Just call me Kazumi"

"But, that isn't your name, i think your name was Raven if i remember correctly"

"Yes, it is, but just call me Kazumi. I don't want the name my dead parents had given me"

"That is understandable, well then i'll see you next time Kazumi"

"Yes, till next time Lawliet" Before he left he smiled at me, it looked nice, but to other normal people it might have looked creepy to them, but like i said before i was not a normal person like the others. Eventually i turned my head and looked away while singling him to leave, which he did.

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