Chapter 15

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Raven’s POV

“Kazumi”  I look behind me and see Yuki smiling.


“Well, i kind of heard the discussion you just had” I stare at her blank, but inside i am worried, i am worried that she is willing to sacrifice her life.

“You did?  I see then you heard about me showing my face” She nods her head while i look away.

“Then you really are going to go through with it then?”


“Alright, i won’t stop you, but you know L will find out you aren’t me”

“I know, but i’ll tell him about the plan”

“Alright, but you must tell him when he finds out. I know L too well that he wouldn’t tell ever person in the task force that you are not me”

“Yeah i know”

“Okay, but you also must act like i would. Meaning you cannot show your face no matter what, even if you're hungry you must not show your face.”

“Yes i understand Kazumi” I sigh in relief before telling her one last thing.

“Good, but the most important thing of all is that you must not die”

“Yeah i know Kazumi, i won’t die i promise” I smile behind my mask, but i feel a pain in my heart telling me not to let her go.

“Okay then, you will go to L’s apartment tomorrow okay” Yuki smiles and nods.

“Okay, anyway i don’t have to see my manger until the next month”

“Good, well then go to sleep it late and you have to wake up early tomorrow”

“Okay, but what about you”

“Don’t worry about me, i have to find L’s hideout and get things ready for you tomorrow”

“Do you need my help” I shake my head and shoo her with my hand.

“No, now go to sleep”

“Okay” She leaves the room and shuts the door.

“Dam it, i wonder where that dam angel is”  I look around the room and look to see if Fuzen was anywhere in sight.

“Dam it!” I hit the table of the computer and clutch my hands together. ‘ That dam angel just toys with me, well no matter i just need to go along with my plan and win’

Fast Forward to tomorrow >>>

Beep beep beep

“What the?” I open my eyes only to get blind by the sunlight that was coming from the window.

“Dam it” I block the light with my hand and get up from my desk and wipe the sleep out of my eyes.

“What time is it” I look at the time on the clock that was still beeping and see that it is five o’clock. ‘Really, now Yuki’s going to be thirty minute late. I better go and wake her up’ I turn off the alarm before waking yuki up.

“Yuki!” I go towards her door and knock on the door.

“Wake up, you're going to be late”

“ugh, five more minutes” I twitch my eye before banging on the door again.

“Yuki!, hurry up and get up!”

“Okay, okay” I hear something fall and footsteps coming closer to the door, while i tap my foot on the ground waiting for her to open the door.

“What is it?” I narrow my eyes and pull her arm, so that she could follow me.

“You know what you need to do Yuki, now hury up and do it” I look at her, while she wipes the sleep out of her eyes and yawns.

“Okay, but what exactly am i suppose to do?” I twich my eye again and rub the temples on my head.

“Yuki, we went over this already. You are suppose to dress up as me and meet the task force” Her eyes widen, as she hurries and go to the bathroom.

“Sorry Kazumi, i forgot. I’ll do it right away” I sigh as she brushes her hair and puts on a cap to get all her hair up.

“Good, now hurry up”

“Wait Kazumi” I turn around and see what she needs.

“What is it?”

“Well, um, its just”


“Well you know your body is more different than mine. Isn’t L going to figure out”

“Yes, but the task force won’t know that”

“Oh yeah i forgot” I sigh as she begins to put on the pink wig on her head.

“Oh and you need to wear this coat on. So you can’t take it off, do you understand” She looks over at me and nods in understanding.


“Good” I leave the coat on the table and look for a mask.

“Are you ready Yuki”

“Yeah, i just need to put on the mask”

“Good, now here” She takes the mask and puts it over her mouth, causing it for people can only see half of her face.

“Good, now you look like me. Its almost like looking at my own reflection”


“Yeah” she smiles behind the mask and goes in the bathroom to look at herself.

“Wow, i really do, but why do i have to wear the coat?”

“Well one of the buttons has a camera that lets me see what you are doing”

“So, you will be watching me”

“Yeah, but you need this”

“What is it?”

“You need to put it in your ear, i made it so that you can hear me and i can hear you or the people by you”

“Wow, how did you-”

“Don’t ask, it took me forever to make it and to look for L’s hideout”

“So you found it?”

“Yep,  now listen good. You need to go to this apartment, when you do, do not take off the coat or mask. Also act like me and not you, remember i don’t smile or get nerves.”

“Got it” I nod my head and give her a piece of paper that has the address of L’s hide out.

“Be careful Yuki”

“I will, promise” She walks out the apartment, while i go to my room and turn on the computer to see the camera vision of Yuki’s.

“Good everything's going according as plan”

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