Chapter 12

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Raven's POV

The days have been passing by and i have been able to contact with Japan's detectives. Most of the people helping out on the kira case, seem to not want to do it at all, other do want to put a stop to it. 

"Isn't that right R" I blink and look through out the camera that i have in the building and see every detective looking at me. I think  L was talking to me while i was observing all of them. 

"About what L?"

"R were you not listening? I said that Kira could be a high school student, since the time he kills the victims are around those hours" 

"What makes you so sure L. Since we still don't know how Kira kills, we cannot really tell if he is killing them at that time." 

"Yes your right, but from the data we have it indicate that he can be killing them at that time" 

"Your right, but its only a 5% chance that he could be a high school student" 

"Yes, then you agree that we investigate each high school student" 

"Yeah that fin-"

"Wait a minute!" I look at the person who is standing up and glaring at Watari and at the board with my R letter. 

"You can't just be making desicions on your own. It's as if you two are the only people working with each other; what are we not here too?!" I glare through my camera and look at him.

"I'm sorry Mr. detective, but if you wanted to speak you could have. Instead of yelling and making a scene" I can see that he is angry, since his body is shaking from rage. 

"That's it!" He moves his chair and goes up to the chief in charge of the cases. I think he is going to quit, since he got out his bauge and put it on the desk, before leaving. Everyone in the room starts to talk to each other and others start to look at Watari and me. 

"alright, does anyone else want to quit like him, or do you all want to work?" Some talk amongst each other after my question. When i was going to speak again another four guy got up and went up to the chief. I think this got him to get angry as they handed over their badges. 

"Were sorry, but we cannot work with with these people, since they do not show their face. While we do and endanger our lives"

"What, so your just going to quit on me" They give him their badges and walk out the door, now only a little bit of detective are left.

"Your all dismissed" I stay quite, while L does the same. When everyone leave, only L and me were left with the chief.

"May i have a word with you R and L"  I sigh  and respond. 

"Yes, but can you hurry, i need to do other things"

"Yes, well i want you two to stop getting my worker to stop working on the case"

"I'm sorry Mr......"

"It's Yagami" My eyes widen as i hear his last name, this must be Light Yagami's father; the one i bumped into the other day. So L was right Kira could be a high school student. 

"Mr. Yagami do you by any chance have a son, who is a high school" He looks shocked by the question, while L stays in the background and listens to our conversation. 

"Yes, how did you know" 

"Well, it was just a guess that all."


"Anyway, i hope that your son is not Kira, but to be on the safe side i want you to not talk about your day with your family or let any of your family members go through your files" He looks shocked at what i said to him. 

"R, do you assume that my son is Kira"

"I am not sure, but i just want you to lock your things tight and not to give any information to your family. If you do then i will assume that your son is Kira" 

"What!? Don't be ridicu-"

"I am not say things just because i want to, i am saying things because i do not want Kira to get any information"

"R, that's enough" I look over at L's computer screen as he still has the L letter on the screen. 

"Fine, but listen to my advice Mr. Yagami, tell your son when your at home; that we assume that Kira could be a high school student. If he reacts to it then he could possibly change the time and that is when we will find out that he is Kira." 

"What!? but i thought you said not to tell him-"

"I know, but this could help us in the investigating; just make sure that he doesn't tell anyone else" I could see Mr. Yagami's hands clench together in fist as he nods his head. 

"Alright i'll do it, but only to prove you wrong" I smirk behind my mask and speak again. 

"Good, now i must be leaving. Good-Bye L and Mr. Yagami" With that i shut everything off and get up from my desk and stretch. 

"Well aren't you a clever girl" I look over at Fuzen as she sits on the bed. 

"Why do you say that?" 

"Because you have already figured out who Kira is" 

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