Chapter 24

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Raven POV

It’s morning already, but even so i feel like i haven’t slept all night.Perhaps it was from the thought of L kissing my cheek. Just with the thought of it, it made my whole face red and make me think back of the image from last night.

“Kazumi are you awake” I hear L’s voice from behind the door.

“Yeah, uh i’ll be out in a second okay”

“Alright, i’ll be waiting then” I look at the ground as i hear the footsteps disappear, but as they do i entwine my fingers with my hair. So that i could pull my hair back and try to calm down.

“What’s wrong Kazumi?” I look over at Fuzen as she looks at me with a curious face.

“Nothing, I’m just feeling weird, it might just be a cold” She makes a ‘hmm’ sound, while i get up and change into my uniform for school.

“Are you sure, nothings bothering”

“Yes, now leave”

“Alright, alright, gosh you don’t have to be so goddamn anger about it” Before i could glare at her, she had already left the room. I sigh at this; t tell the truth i didn’t really feel good, i felt kind of confused and weird. But even so i had to shove them back and get ready to go to that school again. When i was done, i begin to open the door and walk out so that i could go to the kitchen, where i met L in his usual outfit that he would always wear.


“Yes Kazumi” He looks over at me as i look over at him, but just when i met his eyes my heart begins to beat quickly than before and my thoughts were getting mixed together.

“Are you alright Kazumi” He comes over and places a hand on my forehead, which causes my eyes to widen and make my heart beat even more, but the weird part about it was that my face was feeling hotter and hotter by the second, i think i would have passed out if he hadn’t taken his hand off my forehead.

“You should stay home for today, it seems that you are catching a cold” I try to get my breathing under control, when i do i just turn my back on him and begin to walk away.

“No thanks L, i’ll be just fine, so just let me be alright” He makes a ‘hmm’ sound too, but agrees on my decision

“Alright, if that's what you want?”

“Yes, now lets go, before we’re late”

“Yes, we should hurry” I go out the door and go down to meet Watari, where he was waiting at the car for us.

“Good morning Kazumi and L”

“Yes good morning”

“Good morning Watari” Watari simply nods his head, while L and i sit in the back and let him drive us to the school. As we make it to the school, we see that lots of people have arrived at school and that some of them were looking over at us, while we got out of the car and begin to walk towards the school.

“Kazumi!” I turn around to see who was calling my name, when i do i see that Light was the one who had called out to me.

“Light?” He stops in front of me and smiles while seeing me.

“Yeah, uh good morning Kazumi”

“Yes good morning to you too” I walk around him, but even when i do he grabs a hold of my hand so that i wouldn’t be able to leave.

“Wait Kaumi, can i speak to you” I narrow my eyes at him.

“No, now leave me. I need to go to class”I snatch my hand back, while he just looks at me.

“Very well, then lets speak after school” I nod my head, so that he could leave me alone.

“Kazumi, is anything wrong” I look over at L, seeing that he was standing there the whole time, while watching us.

“Yeah, i was just speaking to Light”

“Alright, well then we should leave and head to class right” I nod my head and walk off with L.

Time skip >>>>

The classes were over and it was time to leave, but we didn’t leave yet, since L wanted to speak to light again.

“Do we really have to speak to him again”

“Yes, now come” I sigh as he leads me towards where light was.

“Are we late”

“No, you're right on time”

“Very well ,then shall we begin?”

“Yeah” I sigh as i see light wearing some sports gear.

“What are you two doing?”

“Oh i forgot to mention to you that we are going to play a friendly game of tennis” I arch my eyebrows together in confusion.


“Yes” I sigh and start to walk over to some benches that were nearby.

“Alright, then i’ll just watch!” They nod their head and begin to play. The first person to serve was L, who hit the tennis ball hard and made it go pass Light, whose eyes widen when he see’s that L was not just playing a friendly game of tennis. When he notices this, he begins to play for real, while L does the same and before we know it a group of people start to crowd around the fence. I sigh and begin to get up from the bench and start to dust the dirt off of me.

“I’m going home” I begin to leave, but when i do i see that the game had ended and that Light had won. When i notice that Light had won, i begin to think that this game showed a foreshadow of him winning and begin Kira.

“L...” L looks over at me and walks over  to me.

“Yes Kazumi” I feel my eyes sting for a minute.

“I.. i”

“Kazumi!” Light comes over to me with a smile on his face.

“I won” My heart begins to ache and i begin to picture a dieing L throughout my mind.

“L...” Before i knew it tears began to fall down my face.

“Kazumi are you alright?” I lift a hand to my face so that i could touch the tears that were flowing down my face. When i touch it i look at my hand and see that i was crying. I quickly wipe away the tears and try to get the image of L dying out of my mind.

“Yeah, i’m just tired, i think i might have a cold, so i’ll leave early okay” He nods his head.

“I’ll call Watari” I nod my head as he begins to call Watari, when he finishes he hangs up and looks over at me.

“Kazumi, i’ll be at home later, but i won’t leave with you, since i will be leaving with Light” I nod my head and begin to walk over to where i would meet Watari, but i stop walking for a minute.

“L, be careful okay”

“Yeah, don’t worry about me, just go home and rest” I nod my head and began to walk to the place where i will met Watari.

Never Again (A Lawliet Love Story) *on hold*Where stories live. Discover now