Chapter 26

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Raven’s POV

My heart has broken and my emotions have faded away. I think i don’t even know what love or happiness is or what even what sadness is.

“Lady Raven, here is your food to eat” The plate is set in front of me, as i look at it and just stare at it plainly, not even daring to touch the food.

“Eat up Raven, because later on you will not eat anything” I stare at my father and mother with a blank face.

“Yes Mother and Father”  being to eat, while i family eat too. Today is my fourth day here and it has felt as if i have lived here for eternity.

“When your done, go to your room and study” I nod my head and go to my room. Its all the same each day, i eat and go to my room and study and if i do something wrong they punish me. As the day ends i stay in my room studying, when its dark i go to sleep and wake up for the next morning. When i wake up i undress and dress into a new pair of clothing. This morning i walk to my father’s study, so he could speak to me. He said that i need to go in there so he could talk to me. I knock do i could enter, when i hear him say come in, i enter. When i do i see many people in suits.

“Raven” My father’s voice is hard and loud.

“Yes Father” He looks at me in disgust, but continues his speech.

“I have decided on having you taken by these people” My heart stops and i feel pain.

“But, why Father. Have i done something wrong”

“Yes, you were born” That stung me really hard, but i didn’t show it on my face.

“Take her, i care nothing for her”

“Yes, Sir” All of them come towards me, but i react faster than them and run out the door. There was just no way i was going to be sent to some place with those people that i had no idea who they were.

“Stop” I don’t stop and continue to run. I run far and run outside the house. They still follow me, but before they can even catch me i fall. I fall off a cliff, i try to grab something, but there was nothing near to grab. So i fall, but as i do i see the people who were trying to catch me see me fall, they do nothing, but watch as i hit my head first and blackout. The last thing i see before blacking out is them smiling at me and blood splashing everywhere.

.   .   .

I wake up and see a blinding light that made me cover my face so the light wouldn’t be so bright.

“Aw, so you're awake. Good” I try to see who was speaking, but i see no one, but white.

“Such perfection, you’re the perfect person now. There’s just no way anyone can beat you”

“You are the smartest, the most beautiful, and any other active thing, that mankind can do. Everything you do will be perfect. You will not fail and you will be the new model for the new world” I stare up at the ceiling and see nothing, but white. Until i see a person come up and smirk at me.

“My invention is complete” I blink and stare at him as he blabs on and on about how his work was the most amazing thing he has ever invented and how it will help mankind.

“How is she” That voice it sounds so familiar.

“She’s perfect and a complete success”

“Good” A person comes up to me and i see it is my father.

“Will you erase those memories that she had?”

“Yes, but i haven’t done so yet, but it will only take a minute”

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