Chapter 10

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I came back from my shopping for food and went directly to my room, after i put away the food and ate. 

"Dam it, Fuzen!" I keep walking to my room and open it to see her sitting on my bed. 

"Yes" I stop walking and face her, after locking the door. 

"You say that you are watch me every time right?" 

"Yes, what about it"

"Well can you tell me if another person had a shinigami on them" She smirks at me. 

"No, i cannot tell you, but i can see them like they can see me" I glare at her as she just smirks at me more. 

"Why can't you tell me?"

"Because it will be too easy for you to solve the case" I sigh and and walk over to my computer. 

"What are you going to do Kazumi?" 

"I'm going to speck to the conference that all the police and government agents are having right now" I start to log into my computer and going into some of my files. While Fuzen watches me in amusement. When i finally get into their computer screen, i block my face with a letter, and disguise my voice. 

"What the? R!" I hear many voices in the audience as they get mad about me getting into their investigation. 

"Why have you communicated with us R?" I start fiddling with the things in my computer and get the view of them inside. I see some of the members standing in surprise and other sitting down in anger, but one catches my eye the most. It was Watari, he was holding L's communicator and wearing all black. 

"Yes R, why have you accessed into the conference?" I know that this is L's disguised voice, but i do not answer him, instead i ask a question. 

"Have any of you found any evidence on Kira?" All the member discuss inside their area in anger. 

"Why does L and R always come when the cases are hard?" I See a member in the audience stand and look at the computer of L's and the screen on the board in anger. 

"Shush, this is fine. If they help on it, we will be able to solve it in no time" I see him sit back down and the old man in charge sit too. 

"Now, R we have no evidence on Kira. The only thing we found out is that he kills with out being there" I sigh and rub my head in anger.

"Of course you are right, only an idiot would not notice that. meaning Kira wants us to know he is out there with some kind of power" I hear Fuzen snicker behind me and hear many other member in the conference talk between themselves.

"She's right, Kira is killing people on purpose. If he didn't want us to know he is out there then he would have killed slowly then fast" Everyone again talks, while a member in the Japan section gets up and speaks up. 

"How can you two be so sure?" I sigh again and respond to his question.

"Like L told you, Kira wants to be noticed, if not then he would have figured out a way to kill them differently." He sits back down and again everyone talks to each other. Then L speaks up again. 

"I would like to ask a favor of the Japan defence force" All the members  look shock as L keeps talking. 

"I want t do something, but it will be risky" I think of what he is trying to do, when i figure it out i sigh and wait until he has told everyone of his plan. They agree to it and the conference is over. I sigh and take the screen off and log out of my computer. 

"So, that boy is in the investigation too then?" 


"aren't you angry"


"Why not?"

"I don't have a reason to be angry"

"Aren't you angry at him for ab-" 

"Shut up and get out again"

"Okay, okay clam down Kazumi" I see her leave the room and go out the building. I wonder where she goes to when i kick her out?

"Kazumi! where are you?" I get up and go into the living room to see Yuki looking around the room for me. 

"I'm behind you" 

"Ahh" She screams and falls back all dramatic, like she always does. 

"Don't do that Kazumi. I could have had a heart attack"

"You would not"

"Yes i would" 

"Just shut up Yuki and tell me about your day, like you always do" She smiles and sits on the couch, while i sit on the other one. 

"Well i got to meet Misa Misa and she was a girl that was way younger then me" 

"Yuki, she's only like what five or six years younger then you" 

"Yeah, bu- hey i thought you didn't know Misa Misa" I sigh and try to get away from her. 

"Yoou know who Misa Misa was all along didn't you"

"No, i looked her up and saw her profile"

"Oh, so how was your day Kazumi" I glare at her as she tries to change the subject, which i gladly  do for her. 

"Well if you must know, i had to hack into the conference without you, since you were not back yet" 

"Sorry, i thought that i was going to just sing, but then i got distracted and lost track of time" I sigh and look over at the clock. It read six o'clock. It was only a matter of minutes until L's plan would go into action. 

"What are you waiting for Kazumi?" I stare back at yuki as she wonder at what i was doing. 

"Nothing, but can you turn on the t.v for me" She gets up and turns it on and on perfect timing, since it was time for the plan to show us the power of Kira.

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