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Name: Raven (last name Unknown)

Her alias name is: Kazumi Anrui

Likes: bitter things especially coffee and bitter tea

Dislikes: Junk food, sweets, people who like girl things, and people who show off

Personality: She is sometimes bitter to people when she is mad or when people are annoying her in her work. She is mostly sometimes emotionless, but can be nice to people when she feels like it, but always puts a straight face on all the time and if she was sad she would just hide it with a smile on her face or she wouldn't show it. She mostly never cries in front of people or shows her feelings out; if she did it would be really rare. She is also intelligent and really observant about the littlest things and can solve many hard problems.


She was a child that used to have a family like any other child and was happy like every child is with their parents, but it all turned out horrible in the end. When she was six years old she was always smart and intelligent; she was also a fast learner and could memorize everything she saw with only one glance. But when this all started was when her parents stopped loving her and paying attention to her. When they would leave and do work she would always go to her library in her house and study. Her emotion also started to change every day and she never really smiled a real smile to any one, if she did it would be a fake smile that she gave to everyone. When she was at home studying and watching news on the t.v. she saw that there was a car accident and it was her parents that were in it. At first she didn't even show any emotion to the death of them, but her eyes started to water and she began to sob quietly; while standing by the t.v. quietly; one of the servants that always loved her as her own child came to go put her in bed she saw her crying; which surprised her. The servant quickly ran up to her and comforted her, until she stopped crying. After she calmed down she told the servant that her parents were dead the servant was shocked and didn't know what to do to help her. At first the servant thought that she could take care of her, but a knock was heard at the door and the servant went to answer it leaving her in the library to wait for her return. When the servant answered it she saw two police men who said that the little girl's parents were dead and that they were going to take her to an orphanage where she will be taken care of. The servant led them to her and they explained that they were going to take her away somewhere, where she will be okay. She simply nodded telling them that she understood and she left with them; leaving the servant by the doorway who only waved her goodbye with a tear slipping out of her eye. Eventually the servant began to cry out in sadness. Even so she did nothing and kept looking ahead, leaving the servant alone; afterwards she was at the police station where she just sat down and waited until they found an orphanage who would take her in. When they called many of them a man with glasses and a tiny mustache came up to her and told hello, she only nodded and looked at him as he looked at her as well. He then spoke again and told her to follow him, she simply sat down and didn't follow him and stay like she was, until a police men came up to her and him, when the police men told her to follow him she got up and walked with the old men to a empty room. When the police men left them alone; the old men told her what his name was

Quillish was his name, that is,  what he said and was the owner of Wammy's house. She nodded in understanding, when he explained everything to her, he then gave her a sheet that contain a lot of difficult problems that no child the age of six should know; he told her that she had to take it in order for her to be put in the orphanage. She just stared at the paper and flipped the pages one time and then looked at him with empty emotionless eyes. He told her if she was ready and she just stared at him, until he told her that she could begin. Instead of beginning she just sat there looking at the paper; the old man looked at her confused and spoke to her if she was going to take the quiz or not. The girl only looked at him and spoke for the first time saying that she already knew all the answer and didn't need to take the test. The old men just looked at her and smiled while patting her head and told her to write down the answers if she knew them all. She simply nodded and shaded the circles on the paper in less then 1 minute with out looking at the paper again. Quillish was surprised that she could answer the question fast, but what shocked him the most was that all the answers were all correct. The little girl just looked at him emotionless and waited for him to tell her what was next. Quillish just composed himself and said that she could come to the orphanage she simply nodded and walked out with him with many police men waving at her goodbye.

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