Finale: Enemy Info

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"You're awake," announced Sakura.

Naruto sat up from his hospital bed

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Naruto sat up from his hospital bed. When he felt his chest, the wounds were gone. "How did I get here?" He asked. After losing to Majin Buu and Bibidi, he truly thought he was dead.

 After losing to Majin Buu and Bibidi, he truly thought he was dead

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"You're lucky. One of the Genin brought you in." Sakura looked around Naruto closely and checked his vital signs. The Hokage was breathing fine and his eyes were normal. It must had been Kurama's healing that helped him.

"You should be more careful. We can't be losing you in a time like this," added Sakura. "With hospitals full and half of Konoha destroyed, the people need a strong leader." 

Naruto frowned. "Sakura, things are a bit more complicated than you think." He remembered the last enemy he faced. "Sasuke's also involved with this..." 

Sakura hesitated. The look on Naruto's face was not a sign of good news. "Sasuke's your right hand man...right? Of course he's helping you."

Naruto shook his head. "He's working with the enemy. I don't know what they did to him, but he's acting like he did back in The War. Talking about revolution."

Sakura shuttered. She had always loved Sasuke, but the man he was during The War was terrifying. He was willing to murder anyone to achieve his dream. "N-no...I won't let this happen. I have to go after him."

She was ready to leave and find her husband. She would not let her life with Sasuke and Sarada be ruined. 

"Wait Sakura," Naruto held her back. "There's still many people in the village that need our help. We're not the free shinobi we used to be. We have our responsibilities to the village."

"But my family..." Sakura was torn. Naruto was right. Naruto was the Hokage, and she was the head of the Konoha Medical Department. In a state of emergency like this, the village needed them.  However, her family meant everything to her. She felt useless once again.

"Don't worry about Sasuke. I'll find a way to bring him back like before. But for now, there are bigger threats like Buu," said Naruto. However, the words did not fit well in his mouth. He felt guilty leaving his friend behind.

Knock! knock! The door opened and Kakashi peeked in. "Sorry to interrupt Lord Seventh, but there's someone waiting for you. I think you should hear him out. He has a good idea about what we're dealing with." 

"Really? Let him in," answered Naruto. 

When Kakashi opened the door, a short and purple man with a funny mohawk walked in.

When Kakashi opened the door, a short and purple man with a funny mohawk walked in

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"Greetings, my name is Shin, Supreme Kai of this universe. I am here to defeat Bibidi and Buu. I believe we have the same goals and should help each other." 

"This is unusual. What's a Supreme Kai? And how are you related to Buu?" asked Naruto.

"I come from the Sacred World of the Kai. My job is to observe and encourage the development of this universe. However, Bibidi and Buu have interfered with this. They have killed the rest of my kind and plan on ruling the universe. I must stop them before they cause more destruction."

"What's their business on our planet? Why did they particularly target this village?" asked Sakura.

The Supreme Kai continued. "Bibidi is a powerful wizard from the distant edge of the universe. Majin Buu is the monster he created. His sole purpose is to destroy. He has no feelings or conscience. Truly an instrument of terror and fear. In truth, Buu could wipe out this entire planet with just his breath. However, there is a saiyan here that Bibidi wants captured."

Naruto was irked by the Supreme Kai's description of Buu. After his encounter with Buu, Naruto only noticed that underneath the monster was a naive character that needed guidance. However, the the term "saiyan" caught his attention. Sasuke had told him about the mysteries behind Son Gohan.  

"I know the saiyan you're talking about, and I'm not interested in handing him over. We've had a lot of incidents with extraterrestrials lately. Can I trust you?" asked Naruto. 

"I have no interest in the saiyan. If I was your enemy, I would've let Bibidi and Buu take this planet. However, I am doing everything I can to stop them. I'll try to defeat them myself even if you disagree."

Naruto looked over to Sakura for a second opinion. She gave him a small nod of approval. They did not have many options. "Alright then, do you have a plan?"

There was a small moment of relief in the Supreme Kai's heart. Without the help of the people he gathered, he would have no chance of stopping Bibidi. "Yes, I met with a Galactic Patrolman named Ocaj and another saiyan named Bardock. Ocaj is doing his best to stall Bibidi before he destroys this village. The plan is simple: kill Bibidi and seal Buu back into his ball."

Took awhile to release, but I think we're about a third of the way through this final arc. Stay tuned for the rest!

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