The Chunin Exams Stage 1

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"Any team who is late even by a second will be..." announced Sai.

All the students started to leave. 

"Come on let's go guys!" said Sho.

"Wait, but he hasn't finished saying all the directions —Whoa!" said Gohan but Garou had already pulled him along.


The boys arrived to a forest where they heard many explosion and kids screaming.

They all stopped for a second. "It's all booby trapped in there," said Garou.

"Well we gotta hurry up!" said Sho.

"Hold up, we can't go in their blindly," said Gohan, "we need to go in strategically."

"How do we do that?"

"I was thinking that we could go in one single file line. That way the person behind can save the person in front if anything happens."

"Well I'm not going in front!"

"I'll be in front. Let's hurry up," said Garuo.

The three boys ran into the forest.

All was well until Gohan noticed that Garuo stepped on a bomb tag. 

"Out of the way!" Gohan pushed Garuo out of the blast range and Sho pulled Gohan back. However, Sho stepped on a wire and kunais were shot towards them. In an instant, Garuo snapped out his bow and fired two arrows at the kunais.

"Thanks!" said Gohan.

"Don't mention it," replied Garuo.

The boys continued... then a line of droids were summoned before them. 

"I got this!" shouted Gohan

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"I got this!" shouted Gohan. He jumped in the air and blasted a volley of ki blasts.

 He jumped in the air and blasted a volley of ki blasts

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Then the droids were no more.

The boys ran into more problems throughout the forest but some how made it through. They were one of the last groups to get to the quiz area but they made it in time.

When the quiz started Shikadai's dad asked the question.

"True or False: in Volume 5 of Shinobi Strategist Detective Story the password  are Moon is Day, Mountain is River, Flower is Nectar. Answer carefully. Those who turn black, will fail."

"Ooohhh! My mom made me read this book!" said Gohan.

"Aren't there only 4 volumes?" asked Sho.

Oh right I'm in the past... thought Gohan.

"Well... I think its false because SUN is day sounds better," replied Gohan.


"Sho, I think we should go with Gohan. I have no clue what this is," said Garuo.

"Ok, me neither," the boys headed over to the sign saying false.

Out of the corner of Gohan's eye he saw some of his friends moving towards true. He wanted to say something but they all had a determined looks on their faces.

"The answer is!!!—" both true and false displayed on the screen.


The ground disappeared and everyone began to fall

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The ground disappeared and everyone began to fall. Gohan saw a pool of black ink. That's it! Gohan remembered that they said something about turning black. He raised his ki and flew up. Sho was falling by and Gohan grabbed him. He flew both of them up. Garuo was prepared and shot a grappling hook to the top.

Once they got out of the hole, Sai explained the situation.

"After seeing a pool of ink and realizing your mistakes, if you gave up and let yourself plunge into  the black ink, you don't deserve to be a chunin. Those who didn't fall in the ink are correct. This marks the end of round one of the Chunin Exams!"

"Nice job guys!" said Gohan as he high-fived his whole team.

And the second stage approached...

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